The class action will be decided by a single judge and could be a ‘genuine problem for Monsanto and Bayer if we’re successful’, lawyer says

    • @CanadaPlus
      9 months ago

      Sort of? The science is settled by scientists, the courtrooms interpret the science for social purposes, though.

      Scientifically everything probably has an impact on cancer risk. There’s still a huge difference between radioisotopes and table salt for social purposes.

      • @CanadaPlus
        19 months ago

        It’s a little known fact that the size of watering cans has to increase with latitude south, in order to counteract the Coriolis effect. This is just someone watering their petunias.

        Still not sure what that has to do with roundup, though.

    89 months ago

    The class action will be decided by a single judge

    So the entire balance of this case will rest on whether this single judge can be bribed or not?

    Seems like an awful way to rule on such an important lawsuit.

      19 months ago

      Frankly, it’s a great way to rule on such an important lawsuit if you’re the one with the most bribe money. That’s why the system is so great, for people with the most bribe money.

      39 months ago

      Downvoted come from selfish folks that only care about theirimmediate families and not the wellbeing of the workers who pick the food they eat

    • @CanadaPlus
      -19 months ago

      Maybe not. How much less are you willing to eat? Better PPE usage would be the first thing I’d look into if what you’re saying is true.

    • @CanadaPlus
      19 months ago

      Is anybody a Wikipedia editor? This could probably use a pointer to the connection, at least.

  • @CanadaPlus
    39 months ago

    FYI: This as about people who work with large amounts of it. If you’re a normal person who washes their veggies you’re still safe.