I fully support him in his efforts. if people are going to donate their money to such a sus story, let him spend their money. a fool and his money are soon parted.
Definitely a fool, the correct drug would be cannabis.
MDMA is the most euphoric I’ve ever felt. Just pure insane bliss.
Weed just gives me intense anxiety.
Try different strains.
100% of the time I mention this, that’s the advice I’ve gotten. I have tried like 20 strains, edibles, oil, shatter, you name it. I used to smoke every day.
Now no matter what I smoke, anxiety. Sometimes it’s just a little and I have a good time anyway. Sometimes I’m not getting enough air when I breathe and I’m going to pass out and everything I say is the dumbest thing anyone has ever said in history.
Not worth the gamble anymore. I’m cool with rolling every few months and delicious delicious adderall. And too much beer, which is the worst habit one can have, honestly.
Hey, no offense meant, and I do apologize for the glib brevity there. Good on ya for avidly seeking solutions ✊🏽 Stay happy, find your best life! 🤗✨
Oh you’re all good! I always expect to hear then when I mention the anxiety hahaha
I still give it a go every so often. It’s always best when I can go be active in nature, and worst when I sit at home and try to do… anything or nothing.
I miss how awesome it made some music, and getting to blasted I would watch a whole movie, love it, and forget it the next day. Double movie enjoyment!
I feel ya there, 100%! Frankly, I feel the same with psilocybin; active in the world, away from people and obvious aspects of civilization. Get out of my own head and up with the birds in the branches & clouds. 🤙🏼
Sillynosy question: what do you get out of Adderall? I’m prescribed ADHD meds and don’t get any recreational benefit from it, so I’m just curious what I’m missing out on.Ask away!
When I take adderall, I usually take 10mg or so. It makes me much more productive than I usually am. I have a giant list of projects that I want to do, but normally I just… don’t do them because of the effort involved.
Or I start something and love it, then the next day I just kinda forget about it. It helps me make progress on my 1,000 Steam games I never play. I’ll actually sit down for a few hours and play a game, THE SAME GAME even.
Last time I had some, I set up my mini server! She’s amazing. Next time I have some, I’m either going to reformat my main game computer, reformat the VR machine that’s been sitting in the living room for months and set that up, or learn UNRAID and set up my big server I have all of the parts and HDDs for. That’s been under the couch for like six months now.
…when I write it out like that, I should prooooobably talk to a doctor.
Sounds like you use it for about the same reason I do.
Talk to a doctor! I found it much less stressful than I expected it to be. I started meds last year and my consult and check-ins have been all online. The biggest problem has been, ironically, remembering to take my meds
constantlyconsistently.I’m a serial hobby-starter, but not a project-finisher.
If you have ADHD, stimulants regulate you. If you don’t have ADHD, stimulants…stimulate you. Adderall is an amphetamine, so people without attention deficit disorders basically get a light meth high from it.
I just found this study that found that if you experience **euphoria **from amphetamines then you’re less likely to have the genes linked to either schizophrenia or ADHD. That’s pretty nifty.
Popular Science write-up: https://www.popsci.com/article/science/enjoy-adderall-you-may-be-less-likely-develop-adhd/ Original paper: https://www.pnas.org/doi/epdf/10.1073/pnas.1318810111
I don’t think they enjoy being strained.
That’s not how weed works
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Cannabis is pretty lame and I hate hate the come up. It only makes me tired.
To be fair: the MDMA come up is worse
Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but nowadays there’s thousands of different types, and hundreds of different modes, and they all are reactively different.
All drugs suck and are made for losers, anyway…
This guy never smoked, drank alcohol or drank anything with caffeine including green tee or cola
Or they just called themself a loser which isn’t that uncommon
I don’t smoke, nor drink alcohol and avoid coffee and tea, you’re right.
Give him some fake guns, more MDMA and fake attackers. Then let’s sell this to Netflix
There has to be a better option to go with fake guns and fake attackers than mdma.
Vapo-rub and festies?
It would certainly be an interesting show watching an armed man in a forest coming up to attackers and trying to hug them, telling how much he loves them and making friends.
Sequel to Cocaine bear: Molly Commando
Tropic thunder got this covered
I’d like to hear the story of how we found out.
Someone probably noticed the trees weren’t native to Ukraine, or that he doesn’t look at all war fighting capable.
Fucking Geoguessr players.
How would they know about the MDMA?
Just look at that face lmao he grinding hard
And probably has two gigantic black holes in his face.
I mean I knew that the pupil technically are holes, but they usually don’t look like they’re going inside.
Now I wanna airsoft on molly
Shoot me daddy
The Ukrainian Reddit Legion- forged in the fires of Call of Duty. Able to survive for hours on a single pack of chicken tenders.
At least he left the basement once in a while.
Good for him! Living his best life 🥰
3000 drug addicts of gofundme
absolute mad lad
hm so not too different from the US military
Why MDMA? It’s actually pretty cheap. How often and how much does this guy take so it’s worth the effort of going into a nearby Forrest in camouflage armor. (even if the Forrest is his back yard)
He’s irish mate I say maybe 7 grams a session and 1-2 sessions a week. 3.5 a week if he’s sensible. That’s 70-140 a week, maybe up to 200 if he has a shit dealer.
Dopamine goes brrrrr
And Serotonin and norepinephrine and others
It’s mostly Serotonin
Nobody is doing 7 grams and not overdosing. 1g is already well into possible overdose territory.
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You say that, but you’d drink a gallon of baileys if I put it in a shoe big enough, and you’d survive. Just trying to say, some people can take heroic doses of a substance and survive. Remember, the ld50 only kills 50% of the population.
People have died from pills under 500mg so your not wrong. Women and girls are more susceptible to it than men and boys, and body size also has an impact.
His sessions are 48h long
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I did 4 grams over 4 days and I’m alot safer with the mdma than the other people ik.
Edit: my max dose is 300mg orally which is already tetering on unsafe the other people ik will take a half gram line and more throughout the night.
You need help…
I mean it’s more survivable than doing it all at once but like why? It’s gonna lose effectiveness by the end and the come down must be awful.
Because its fun and going on 1 md bender wont kill u. You don’t build tolerance that quickly. whenever people talk abt losing the magic in my experience they’ve usually been doing it weekly for a while. I take it very sporadicly with multiple month to year long breaks in between I doubt its gonna do any serious damage to my brain doing it like that.
People have literally died from doing 500mg before. The only reason you are alive is because you spread your doses out over 4 days. So don’t say “1 md bender won’t kill you” because the way you do it very much could.
My mates take half gram lines all the time so no that won’t kill u assuming u stay hydrated yet not overhydrated and don’t overexert yourself. Its not healthy but we shouldn’t be fear mongering that it kills people cause it won’t however it will kill a good few serotonin receptors.
Edit: Imma take a guess and say ur American cause they’re the only people who seem to think md is acc deadly. I’m guessing because it’s so much more expensive that they never end up seeing people taking that much but I can assure u 500mg is not the ld50 or half the people ik would be dead. I’d wager its closer to 20mg/kg or abt a gram for a 55kg person, which is what research seems to show albeit there hasn’t been any human studies yet.
There are people who lay lines of MDMA? That shit burns like hell
Yea I’m fairly sure for md crystal its the most common way to do it over here. You sometimes get people snorting yokes too but that’s even worse I mean there’s binders n all
Here it’s mostly pills, but you can also get crystals. I still take them orally. They just hurt wayy to much to snort them.
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Yes it does but they don’t know or care.
No, but it does so anyway.
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I support the idiot tax. Good for him.