… from which you could choose the actual eqipped sets. This would allow for one Equipment Template for Power with all power weapons (stats) and one for Conditions or Support with all condition/support weapons (stats) and it would solve the weapon swapping issues with Legendary Weapons.

Basically Equipment Templates would have multiple weapon loadout variants. But I assume ArenaNet is more interested in selling us full Equipment Templates, even when those are merely used to store weapon set variants.

Just having 4 additional slots for a passive set would already go a long way. Assuming of course that moving legendary weapons between the active and the passive set would not remove their customization and upgrades.

  • @pory@lemmy.world
    -29 months ago

    If you’d need to open a menu and fiddle with the UI to switch from axe/axe to sword/axe on soulbeast, that saves nothing over the current situation where you open the inventory menu and fiddle with the UI to swap weapons.

    • @icdan@lemmy.world
      49 months ago

      Nah, you’d be able to swap out lege weapons without any of the headaches it currently has.

      • @lulztard@lemmy.wtf
        29 months ago

        NCNet truly lost me when they nuked ArcTemplates for their inferior bullshit. I mean it’s great that the change was a blessing to the other 90% of the playerbase, but to me it was a clear statement that I can get fucked. Charming.

    • NecropolaOPM
      49 months ago

      When you remove a legendary weapon from an Equipment Template, it looses all customizing and upgrades (put into inventory). Re-equipping it with the same stats, look, and upgrades is a lot more fiddling than re-equpping an exotic or ascended weapon from the inventory.