Health minister says on-site checking not a ‘silver bullet’ as advocates warn expected hot summer increases likelihood of harm for drug-takers

    • snooggums
      119 months ago

      They want drug use to be dangerous because they think that being dangerous will discourage use, and that making it safer will just result in more people using.

      Based on every study by neutral parties they are completely wrong, but pearl clutches don’t base their views on reality.

        59 months ago

        It’s more than that, they want cheap reasons to arrest people to justify their budgets.

        It’s actually just greed, and they tell themselves they don’t have to give a shit about people who take drugs because “they’re the bad guys we said so”.

        Fucking DISGUSTING.

    • Oliver Lowe
      19 months ago

      pearl clutching

      Ha! Can’t believe I haven’t heard this one before. I’m gonna use it all week to keep my usual long whinge-y “society is fucked” rants nice and short. My girlfriend will be very pleased.

    9 months ago

    Functional alcoholics reject testing of different drug for recreational users.

    There… Fixed the heading.

    9 months ago

    The problem with the tragedies averted is that you can’t count them. EnergyControl have been active in Spain for over two decades now, and I’m quite sure they have quietly saved lots of lifes, apart from having become the de facto source to factcheck every new drug scare from the media. Last year in an unrelated conversation with an aussie he was telling me how he felt most of Australia’s culture was copied from somewhere else as if that was a bad thing, and my point then was that the pro of that is that you can copy just the good stuff. My point stands: EnergyControl is something I think you won’t regret copying.

      39 months ago

      There is also that’s been around for 25-odd years in the US too. Ever since I heard about it in the late 90s/early 2000s I thought we should totally have an org like that here in Aus too.

      59 months ago

      Progressive voters = progressive government. They don’t have to worry about pissing off conservatives in the ACT, because there are so few of them.

      9 months ago

      ACT is a territory, therefore can have their own/different laws that exist under the umbrella of federal/ STATE system the rest of Australia falls under

      19 months ago

      For some unknown reason the parties are swapped in NSW.

      For example LNP in NSW would bring in policies that the Labor party would bring in other states, whereas the opposite is true for NSW Labor.

      NSW LNP had very good policies like the electric vehicle policy, electric vehicle charging grants, they are the party of infrastructure with the westconnex and metro projects up, Parramatta light rail.

      Whereas Chris Minns and Labor I’d actually compare Minns with the onion eater of all people. Very good at cancelling projects because he didn’t think of it first and provides no policies or thoughts of his own.

      Wanted to cancel the metro, whilst providing nothing in replacement (only saved because the project is too far to be cancelled), too scared to do anything in regards to housing policy, no pill testing is the latest one. Cancelled the ev grants. In fact I’m not sure of anything that they’ve done through their own policies since they came in. Hopefully an one term government because they seriously lack vision.

    9 months ago

    There are lots of real issues with pill testing. For example police have every right to assume anyone who enters a pill testing tent at a festival has drugs on them, and can search for drugs / charge them with possession. And, because cops are assholes, some of them will absolutely do that.

    Another issue is if a pill is tested, then someone takes the pill and dies… whoever did the pill test has failed in their duty of care to prevent the person from taking a dangerous pill.

    Legislation that prohibits cops from being near a pill testing tent, or removes liability for bad medical advice, would be very difficult to get passed into law.

    • @shermozle
      19 months ago

      Both these problems are resolved for the safe injecting room. There’s agreement with the cops to not bust users entering and leaving. And liability can be limited to what you can control.