This was long overdue, and I should have made it per day when the supreme court did these cases. But oh well, it’s all under one megathread. This will be active for a couple of days.
This was long overdue, and I should have made it per day when the supreme court did these cases. But oh well, it’s all under one megathread. This will be active for a couple of days.
A Christian website designer sued so she wouldn’t have to make sites for LGBTQ+ weddings. The court said she can refuse, citing religious freedom. It was a 6-3 vote.
Also, it seems the web designer that sued basically made it all up. The designer didn’t have any same-sex clients. She didn’t receive any requests from gay couples to work on their wedding websites. But it doesn’t matter the court ruled that she can legally discriminate anyway.
She was also not a web designer lol. Insane ruling by the SCOTUS, totally ignoring standing. Same issue with the student debt relief overturning. This court does not care about standing at all and is willing to throw out that most basic principle of law for the purpose of their judicial activism.
This may create a sort of pseudoreligious legal arms race. One group will arbitrarily take away rights based on “their religion,” as has happened today, and another will attempt to recreate those rights under their own “religious” banner, as the church of satan has attempted. “Religion” will end up a focal point, regardless of the outcome, and fundamentalists win.
Which confirms that states can pose Jim Crow style laws against LGBTQ.