I heard it was pretty so-so on launch, and that the DLC is awful, but did the base game get better with patches?
It’s on sale on steam for 20 bucks right now, was thinking of picking it up for a new co-op game with the wife since she loved BL2.
I think the game is really solid, the base game was probably the best base game experience for any borderlands game imo. It’s definitely worth $20, chaos chambers are a ton of fun. My complaint is the dlcs were very lackluster and with them constantly raising the max chaos level, it killed the good build diversity that the game had at launch.
Oh neat, so the chaos chambers are like random dungeons? That sounds cool.
If the DLC is not only meh, but also detrimental to the endgame experience/replayability then I’ll probably just get the base game.
Oh crap is it laggy because of itself? I assumed it was my computer. It’s a shame because it’s fun and well written
I played a ton of Borderlands 2 and reached level 80 and played Borderlands 3 at launch, but I completely forgot Wonderlands existed. Maybe I’ll play it some day.
I own the game and I never found it unstable, just boring.
I liked it, I think that an overt overworld with a different scale was an ambitious design choice even if the overall aesthetic isn’t as interesting as the trailers suggest. Purely gameplay wise it’s on par with borderlands 2 and 3 IMO
It’s a fun game, never had issues. But I highly recommend playing with the Wonderlands Redux mod. It’s a total conversion mod for the game that just makes it plain better without changing anything crazy.
I’ve heard the DLC is bad value for money.
The game is ok. It’s probably just me but some of the dialog is felt a bit long winded.
I wanted to play it since a long time but I think 20 bucks is still too much for it.