Big fan of commandline tools such as vim, htop etc. What is in your opinion must have tools?

  • xclip is incredibly useful to get and set data from the clipboard!

    gopup is to html what jq is to JSON. It allows you to parse html to extract specific data for a given selector.

    1 year ago

    Ncdu is a really useful little utility that shows you what directories are using the most space on whichever drive/directory you select. Really useful little piece of software.

    hdparm is another neato one that let’s you test the read speeds of your drives, though it’s more so something ya use once and forget exists.

    Also, though Neovim is more popular, Helix deserves some recognition. It’s a rust based, vim inspired text editor which removes the need to configure it, making it easier for people trying to get into terminal text editors.

    Edit: Jerboa removed the first name, my bad.

  • ds12
    41 year ago

    fzf for quickly matching file names especially deep in the directory hierarchy

    ripgrep for quickly searching for text content within files

    dtrx for handling the right extractions of different archive types

  • I basically live in nvim. Being able to configure my editor in an actual programming language makes it so much more useful to me than vim could ever be.

  • Hal_Canary
    21 year ago

    off the top of my head:

    • vim
    • git
    • bash
    • make
    • whatever-compiler-im-using
    • curl
    • less
    • grep
    11 year ago

    They might have specific uses that most users might not need and there may be better alternatives but some of the ones I’ve been using are:

    CISO - A command line tool for making compressed ISO files that can be used in emulators and some video game consoles running custom firmware.

    RAR - The Linux version of WinRAR, which doesn’t have a UI like the Windows version does.

    Flatpak - Probably well known but in case a newer Linux user sees this, it’s used to download and install flatpaks from Flathub.

  • argos-translate for offline machine language translation.

    tmux & neovim for editing files and organizing the terminal displays.

    asciinema for recording and playing back terminal sessions.