If ever. I don’t know, are they part of the blackout? I thought they were.

  • leonbisexualkennedy
    151 year ago

    Ask Historians relied so much on people with actual expertise that I think it’ll be hard to run something like that with the community being so small.

    • @skeletorsass@lemmy.world
      81 year ago

      Unfortunately a lot of reddit stuff requires enough community to work. We should all talk to people we know and encourage moving wherever we can.

    • @CanadaPlusOP
      1 year ago

      Yep. I’m going to say a couple months even if the mods decide they’re moving here en-mass. Never is also a distinct possibility.

  • They’re protesting, yes. Or were the last I was there.

    But that’s going to be a hard thing to duplicate. None of the options for hosting such a thing has the automod and related capabilities that make that sub as smooth as it is. The mods there are pretty much the best on reddit, but they need the right tools to do it. Mod tools are very limited on lemmy, and not much better developed on the standard sites.

    • @CanadaPlusOP
      41 year ago

      The mods there are pretty much the best on reddit

      Amen. Shoutout to r/polandball for being another heavily-but-fairly moderated one.

      At this point I’m really interested in getting involved, and modtools that would allow this is probably as good a place to start as any.

    • I am not sure they are the best. I got permabanned once for posting a link to removvedit (a website to show removed posts). They did not just delete the post they really permabanned. I double checked the rules and saw no mention of this being forbidden before posting.

      I tried appealing but they did not want to cancel the ban because I dared criticise their moderation (I found permaban to be very extreme and I disagreed with their decision).

      Since that day I can’t help but wonder how many users have been permabanned for small reasons

  • Tarte
    11 year ago

    Is there a way to mirror reddit posts from /r/AskHistorians into my fediverse feed?