As long as there are haves and havenots then there will be class conflict.
Abolish private property so no one can be a ‘have’ and redistribute the wealth so there are no longer people who are ‘havenots.’ WIthout the accumulation of wealth and power the class distinctions evaporate into air and we could abolish the State itself, because the State only exists as a tool for one class to oppress the other.
As long as there are haves and havenots then there will be class conflict.
Abolish private property so no one can be a ‘have’ and redistribute the wealth so there are no longer people who are ‘havenots.’ WIthout the accumulation of wealth and power the class distinctions evaporate into air and we could abolish the State itself, because the State only exists as a tool for one class to oppress the other.
Imagine if everyone was finally working together.