And yet, I still hate Bill Maher.

  • snooggums
    7010 months ago

    Bill Maher and Drew Barrymoore retracting the show does not undo their intent to host the shows during the strike. Yes, they should stop their plans, but they never should have announced or put the shows in motion in the first place.

    That is why this does nothing to improve my dislike of Bill, and should still be a net negative for him. Drew saying she canceled the plans after listening to feedback still means she didn’t listen to the union saying not to try in the first place.

    You know who should get credit for listening? All the people who did not announce and then retract shows that are end runs around the strike by trying to skirt the intent of the rules.

      1910 months ago

      I’ll give Drew a mulligan if she truly about faces and proves she’s not just reacting to the backlash (although currently I’m sure that is why), that’s only because I’ve never seen her be cruel or mean to someone, maybe she has, and I just missed it. I know her family is Hollywood royalty, so it’s possible she really does suck. But I’ve never seen it myself.

      Bill Maher could sacrifice his life for the strike, and I’d probably still hate him because over the course of his career he’s never been anything besides a self-righteous prick.

      • snooggums
        910 months ago

        Drew already said it was due to listening to people after the announcement, aka the backlash.

          410 months ago

          But she also argued that she didn’t need to cancel her show because she doesn’t hire writers, which is fair.

          410 months ago

          Should’ve said that better, I mean whether she is being genuine and had an actual change of heart and supports the strike now, as opposed to being told what the consequences of not doing so would be for her pocketbook and image

      610 months ago

      You know who should get credit for listening?

      John Oliver. If you think that Hollywood writers aren’t making enough money, then this guys is doing it right.

      Still as a moderate it is nice to hear someone well-known on the left give a balanced opinion. Someone needed to at least say some of the things Maher has, even if he didn’t actually convince any of his primary audience.

      510 months ago

      The fact that they had to backpedal means they pedaled with intent and effort. We’ve been seeing too much of this tone-deaf behavior, damage control and media spin from too many places lately.

  • PugJesus
    3410 months ago

    I don’t remember a time I didn’t hate Bill Maher. I suspect I saw his face as a child and immediately hated it.

    • JamesBean
      10 months ago

      There was a brief period of time after I de-converted where I was glad there was a mainstream talk show host in America who is vocal about being nonreligious. But soon after that I learned he is a terrible representative of that identity, just as he is a terrible representative of any other identity he has.

    3310 months ago

    His show is pathetic. No real content, he only goes on ignorant rants where he tells his fellow ignorant people what to think.

    • Franzia
      2010 months ago

      where he tells his fellow ignorant people what to think.

      In the last few years he’s had a deeply progressive audience. And they used to groan at him. And he’s just become more ignorant, and I hope it does ruin his reputation and that of his show. I soent so many nights thinking he would have great jokes about the state of things, just to be lectured about why transgenderism and wokism is an empty fad.

    • Rhaedas
      10 months ago

      His past shows years ago could be good. He’d have interesting guests with differing views on a timely subject. He just never learned the first rule of being a good host. Shut up and let your guests talk. This goes for any talk shows, the best hosts would not only listen to and let their guests talk, they were great at teasing out the details without damn interrupting the flow. If you have an ego and want people to hear what you think about something, then you’ll make a terrible talk show host.

      • Flying SquidOP
        1110 months ago

        That’s what made Conan such a good host. He let his guests talk and didn’t interrupt very often. He talked when he thought he could get something else out of them.

        -310 months ago

        That’s what makes Joe Rogan such a great interviewer. I don’t like his politics but I have to admit he’s a damn good interviewer. He has some really nutty guests on, and he just lets them talk. That’s probably a bad thing, but it would be a good thing if he would actually have some decent guests on.

          510 months ago

          The choice of guests and the refusal to stop Bill shit when he hears it is what makes in a terrible interviewer. He seems engaged in the topic, but shows zero knowledge about it and allows first to support nonsense without questions or refutations. His choice of terrible guests is a feature of his political views, not a coincidence.

      • Flying SquidOP
        1610 months ago

        He also has a group of sycophants. I’m guessing most are boomers like him.

            • @dannoffs
              810 months ago

              Wow, the breadth of things they’re confidently wrong about is almost impressive.

                • @dannoffs
                  210 months ago

                  I’m not going to argue with someone that horny posts on main lmao.

            • ChapolinColoradoNZ
              010 months ago

              I have no posts… Yay me! Although, looks like you joined 3 months ago and have like 7130 comments?! Please tell me you get to go outside every now and then.

              • Flying SquidOP
                110 months ago

                That can be hard when you’re semi-disabled, but I’m sure you really care.

    • circuscritic
      310 months ago

      Other rich upper class liberals who don’t care for, or actually support, working class people, or unions.

    • Franzia
      210 months ago

      I did as recently as 2020! I felt HBO had quite a lot street cred, hosting Vice News and shows about current American issues. And Bill was not so bad then, but he’s rapidly become such an obvious shithead since then.

      • Flying SquidOP
        610 months ago

        He was bad then. I stopped watching years before that when he had the Mexican doctor that claimed to have cured Charlie Sheen’s HIV and didn’t push back on him even a little. His beliefs about health and medicine are dangerous to say the least.

      10 months ago

      Normies, a.k.a. the same people who gave us Hilary instead of Bernie in 2016, a.k.a. most Americans who vote democrat.

    2210 months ago

    I’m surprised this guy still has a show. I mean who’s watching it at this point? He’s surely alienated most people on the left, who were always his target market I thought. And surely his history of making jokes about how the right are stupid and fat isn’t going to win him those viewers.

    • body_by_make
      10 months ago

      His target is liberals that lean more centrist than your normal liberal (which is already fairly center). There’s a surprising number of them because so many people in rural cities in the US want to move to the left compared to their parents, but too far left is scary and a drastic change from their normality. His target audience is people who have basic empathy, but no motivation to change and they need somebody to tell them it’s okay that they don’t want to change things.

      610 months ago

      The only people I know who watch the show, are my 60yo Conservative parents. IDK why people think he appeals to liberals.

        510 months ago

        He appeals to the old demographics who think they’re progressive because they smoked weed once, in college, and listened to alternative music. But are too far out of touch with reality to realize that most of their worldviews are now right of center.

    1110 months ago

    At this point bill Maher is attempting to be the Joe Rogan of the center right. What a fucking stooge

  • circuscritic
    1110 months ago

    I’d call Maher a class traitor, but he isn’t, because he’s just another rich smug limousine “liberal”. He abandoned any pretense of caring about anything other than some left wing social issues a long time ago.

    He’s just another annoying past his prime Hollywood scumbag and I hope this washes off any other pretense for anyone who watches his show that still believes he cares about workers, the working class, or actual left wing economic policies that would actually matter.

    1010 months ago

    That’s because no one wants to watch his dog shit show. I can only imagine how much worse it would be without writers.

  • TinyPizza
    810 months ago

    I know a woman who went to go see a live Jordan Peterson show, in trade, so that the person they went with would come see Bill Maher live with them. I don’t think the Peterson lover held up their end of the bargain but ever since I heard about this exchange it gives me ill feelings.

    It’s like a devils bargain that the devil would straight up be like “no, too much” if it was somehow proposed. It breaks my brain to think about it.

      510 months ago

      Ah, the rare lose-lose trade. I can’t imagine seeing either of them live.

      • TinyPizza
        10 months ago

        I’ve been out of steady work and have dwindling savings. You’d have to pay me many many thousands to go to either and I’d say _at least 20G’s to go to both. And that’s if I mostly go just to people watch. If I had to pay attention in any capacity, to the point where I could discuss it afterward, that’s like $35,000-$40,000.

  • Afghaniscran
    410 months ago

    I’m just now discovering that everytime someone says how horrible Bill Maher is I’ve been thinking of Bill Hader.