Your favorite lightweight game at the moment
Your favorite game of medium weight at the moment!
Your favorite heavyweight game at the moment!
Your most played game of all time!
Your favorite game of all time!
========== Here‘s my list:
King of Tokyo: Awesome art, great table presence, easy to learn, different winning conditions, always fun!
Tidal Blades: I love asymmetric RPGs with character customization! But I only got it to the table once. Time will tell if it holds up.
Arkham Horror LCG: My heaviest game atm, since I don’t find enough time for longer games. The most immersive game I played so far! I‘m impressed how this game is designed and I love my depressing roguelike experience with Lovecraft theme here!
Most played: Dominion.
World of Warcraft - The Board Game has to be my all time favorite: It reminds me of times, when we had opportunities almost monthly to get together and play these long games. Again, customizable asymmetric characters, thrilling item management and fighting mechanic, skill trees (expansion), everything I loved about the PC game was so well captured here.
Light: Azul
Medium: Heat
Heavy: Terraforming Mars Ares Expedition
Most played: Netrunner if that counts
Favorite: Terraforming Mars
Big TM fan, just love the gameplay loop of making and spending cubes
Was about to say that Terra Mystica is also one of my favorite games of all time
Big TM fan, just love the gameplay loop of making and spending cubes
Maybe TM is terraforming mars? Not sure :)
- lightweight: Love Letter This game is so simple and so full of drama! It worked with every groups I played with.
- medium: Unmatched I love how gameplay is used to give every characters their own personality. I was a big fan of BattleCon and still am) but Unmatched is so easier to bring in the table.
- heavyweight: Twilight Imperium I played this game 3 times right now. I never find an opportunity 😭 but I think about it so often!
- Most played: Noir: killer vs inspector At least this is what bga told me. Very short, strategic enough, nice asymetry.
- Favorite: if I was serious, my top 3 are the first three games on this list, Indon’t know in which order. But just to give place to another game: 7th Continent I still haven’t explored everything!
love letter is such a good game. It’s an instant hit with friends and gamily when we need something fast to learn but fun to play.
My favorite ones that I’ve been playing recently would be:
- Light: MonsDRAWcity
- Medium: Modern Art
- Heavy: Bloodrage
- Most Played: The resistance (Avalon)
- Favorite: Cosmic encounter
There are some games, I would like to say are my favorites, but sadly I haven’t played them recently.
I live cosmic encounter ! Struggling to find an English print in my area :(
I love people suggesting games I’m not familiar with!
- Light: cartographers/aquamarine
- Medium: Isle of cats
- Heavy: Spirit Island
- Most played: Gloomhaven, I think we have close to 150 games played.
- Favorite: I think this is a tie between Gloomhaven and Spirit island. I like campaign games a lot, but spirit island is such a wonderful game. SI always manages to give you that “how are we gonna do this” feeling, and then you stabalize (most of the times). Every game is tense.
Light: silver and gold
Medium: Dune Imperium
Heavy: mage knight
Favourite: Dune Imperium or mage knight
Most played: I have a rotation system that explicitly forces me into picking new games each week.
Mage Kight is a great game.
- Light: Exploding Kittens
- Medium: Azul
- Heavy: Spirit Island
- Most played: No idea, as an adult it is probably still Pandemic or Flux.
Favorite Lightweight: Honestly? Sushi Go–it’s just so stupid and yet so fun. Wish we had people over to play it more often
Favorite Medium: Dune Imperium–although it very rarely makes it to the table
Favorite Heavyweight: Spirit Island–just a great game overall, but man you have to dedicate time for it
Most Played: Probably Wingspan–it is my husband’s favorite game and an easy one for us to get to the table
Favorite: Dune Imperium–hands down my favorite game. Worker placement, deck building, and combat–what’s not to love?!
Light: Bananagrams
Medium: Blood Rage
Heavy: Ark Nova
Most played: Has got to be Scrabble, my dad got us all into it as soon as we could spell and it’s been a fixture of family gatherings.
GOAT: Disc World has been a family favorite with a great balance of strategy and chaos to balance players of very different levels.
Oh man I forgot about bananagrams! Such a cool and fun word game
And so transportable! More games should come in bags.
Light: Deep Sea Adventure (highly entertaining quick game with a tinge of sadism) and Splendor
Medium: Tie between Bruxelles 1893 and Gaia Project
Heavy: Terraforming Mars all extensions except Venus Next
Most played: Terraforming Mars
All time favourite: Tie between Netrunner and Terraforming Mars
Netrunner is such a banger! This is n’the only ccg that really stuck with me I’m so happy fans continued where ffg left.
I know, right? So good, limitless replayability
Is netrunner that good? I have it in a box since it came out, never had the time to play it, but love the design
I’m always curious about how people label games heavy or middle weight. What makes you put Gaia Project as mid weight and Terraforming Mars (with expansions) as heavy?
I find that with Terraforming Mars, even without the Turmoil extension, you can have card combos that add real complexity to the strategy, and you need to regularly adjust due to the luck of the draw factor. Turmoil adds an extra layer that makes your path even more tortuous. With Gaia Project, I feel everything is more streamlined. Terraforming doesn’t feel heavy as such (I absolutely love it, I have played it so much) but the variety of paths seems larger than on GP. I also have to say that for me on Terraforming, it’s more satisfying to create a coherent game, with choices that make sense for the corporation or the situation, than actually winning. I treat it almost as an RP game.
- Light: Scout
- Medium: Terraforming Mars and Mystic Vale
- Heavy: Spirit Island
- GOAT: Spirit Island with TFM and Mystic Vale as close seconds
- Most played: probably Monopoly Deal
- lightweight: Jungle Speed
- medium: Battle for Rokugan
- heavyweight: Terraforming Mars + Turmoil expansion (does it qualify as heavyweight? we do definitely consider it heavyweight because we need to plan when to play it beforehand based on how we feel that evening and available time)
- most played: Jungle Speed, by a looong shot, it’s stupidly funny and really easy to pick up for people who’ve never heard about it. I guess short party games are the undisputed winners in this category lol
I’ve spent hundreds of hours playing jungle speed with siblings! Its so fun!
Light: You Gotta Be Kitten Me!
Med: Mortals or Kingdom Builder
Heavy: nothing here, honestly don’t have the time.
Most played: Dominion
Favorite: Salmon Run love the mechanics and the design.
Edit: spelling, thanks u\Skasi !
Light: Skull King Medium: Keyflower Heavy: The Gallerist Most Played: Gloomhaven. My wife and I have put in countless hours (this includes JotL).
Favorite: Railways of the World. I don’t get as many reps in on this one, but I love it. Close runner up to Steam and Age of Steam. Small collection, but I make room for all three.
I’m a big fan of Age of Steam myself. I plan on heading to Age of Steam Con come September.
Oh my goodness! Is that the multi-day con in the cabin? “Only discs, no train minis”! I’m so jealous. I’ve been wanting to attend that for years.
Light weight: 6 Nimmt
Medium weight: Ginkgopolis
Heavy weight: Fire in the Lake
Your most played game of all time: Wizard (we’ve worn out 3 sets, and everyone in the family has sets. There was a solid decade where we played it constantly)
Your favorite game of all time: That’s a decent question. I have games that I’m quite fond of, a bunch of 9s on BGG but no 10s. There is nothing I have with over 10 plays right now that I’m of the opinion “wow, this is both a game I really like, and one in which I see as a clear first among equals.”
I second 6 Nimmt! Was one of my favorite lightweight games to play on boardgamearena during the lockdowns
+1 for 6 nimmt, I play it with a bunch of 3rd graders and they love it as well
We’ve played a snot-ton of 6 Nimmt, so much that we’ve worn out two decks and are on our third…
I stopped by the Amigo booth at Origins this year and said that we play a lot of 6 Nimmt, and what would they suggest to diversify. They pointed me to 2Can and we played a round and I can see the potential, especially at player counts under 4 or 5. I haven’t gotten it to the table yet at home, but it’s on the agenda for July.
Light: Sea Salt & Paper
Medium: Mottainai
Heavy: A Feast for Odin (not sure if that’s considered heavy)
Most played: Kingdom Builder (if we count online)
All time favorite: that’s too hard… some that are in the running: Mottainai, Newton, Tzolk’in, Teotihuacan, Ascension, Kingdom Builder, War Chest, Space Base, Res Arcana, A Feast for OdinI have a hard time with picking favorites so these are a bit random. I will probably come up with a different list if you ask me next week.
Do you think Mottainai is worth getting/playing if I already have Innovation?