At the beginning I had several issues. If I remember correctly first I has to level the front part, then mark the distance with a wedge and have that same distance on the back.
For this it is important that when you’re adjusting the Y0 check on both edges and in the middle. It should be the same height overall
Once it’s leveled you need to adjust the Y offset until it sticks, for this you can print a zigzag pattern and it should stick equally well everywhere.
I remember I had saved some videos that explain that let me find them. Also the discord community is helpful for this particular printer
The durability comes with the design and the material used. As I said on another comment the first version was very fragile and was bending with barely any weight on it.
After adding a bracket to hold the glass in between it keeps its form even with food on top. It all depends on how you design the piece and in which direction you print. Not always the easiest way to print is the best for durability.