When it’s a little windy and the sun shines just right, I can stand there for many minutes watching this mesmerizing wall 🙂
Assuming that this is implemented using physical movement, rather than screens, I wonder how many movements each mechanism is rated for, since keeping something physically moving in the weather is not for the faint of heart.
It’s just stainless steel tiles hanging on steel cables as far as I can tell. Pretty low tech. I guess time would bring them down eventually - entropy is a bitch that way - but I assume the designers took wear into account and replacing the tiles is scheduled at some point.
Incidentally, the stainless steel thing is a theme in this swimming pool: the pools themselves are lined with stainless steel plates at the bottom instead of the usual ceramic tiles or vinyl lining, and lit with blue light. Really futuristic and smart-looking.
I think the issues will start with tiles getting stuck flapped open or shut individually.
Worth it though, this is amazing
We have a restaurant nearby that has this wall, its done like a sequined dress. Just that usands of tiny, shiny reflective plates each mounted to a substrate by a “nail” that has gap to allow them to move around with the wind
I like your callsign incidentally 🙂
I’m concerned you don’t know what “dulll” means. 😆 But seriously, this looks amazing, and the waves are perfect to advertise a pool!
The dull part is staring at a swimming pool wall in the cold outside instead of going for a drink, doing exciting sports of boning my hot wife 🙂
Discussion of boning is only allowed in here if the socks stay on.
man I would stare at that whole day
Looks amazing but would this still look amazing a few years later? I mean I love it but that seems like one of those things that will get super dirty super fast and have tiles fall off? Hope in wrong!
Very cool design!
Nice. Enormous parking place with so many cars in front though. And asphalt everywhere? That’s a bit depressing
Warsaw has a skyscraper with this design. I think they call it dragon scale.
Reminds me of a vent I saw YEARS ago. Took a video of it. Aside from that I wonder what the noise/maintenance of that is. Does it have to be oiled, or is it light enough that there’s no wear?
side note:AV1 is ridiculously slow to encode. And it turns out HEVC was actually half the size. AND hevc didn’t post.