Russland war einst Deutschlands wichtigster Energielieferant. Der Ukraine-Krieg setzt dem ein Ende. In der CDU gibt es bereits Gedankenspiele über eine Rückkehr.
This shouldn’t shock anyone, Merz and the conservatives are only concerned with the ultra wealthy. They want cheaper energy, doesn’t matter how dirty, doesn’t matter which evil regime gets their money, that’s a concern for the humans who will be hurt - not the Uber rich who are insulated from their evil deeds.
We need to start drawing a line with our politicians, tax the rich - decrease inequality - or you’re not allowed in politics. The fact that Die Linke was the only party to push a tax reform that would benefit 95% of people and reduce our deficit is unbelievable.
This shouldn’t shock anyone, Merz and the conservatives are only concerned with the ultra wealthy. They want cheaper energy, doesn’t matter how dirty, doesn’t matter which evil regime gets their money, that’s a concern for the humans who will be hurt - not the Uber rich who are insulated from their evil deeds.
We need to start drawing a line with our politicians, tax the rich - decrease inequality - or you’re not allowed in politics. The fact that Die Linke was the only party to push a tax reform that would benefit 95% of people and reduce our deficit is unbelievable.