I’m taking the dive and switching from windows this weekend. My wife and I like to play modded Minecraft and I was wondering if that’s possible on mint? Does anyone know a way to make Minecraft run on Linux and if so, if it can run mods as well? Please share your knowledge on how to do it if it’s possible.
It is possible. I suggest Prism Launcher. You can get CurseForge modpacks, and more.
I’ve never played Minecraft but would it be possible to do what op is asking through steam as a non steam game? Just curious
If you are looking for Steam Deck compatibility, PrismLauncher has a page for bootstrapping it to look nice on Deck. PrismLauncher does also support controller navigation, though this breaks for me on my Steam Controller when using SteamInput rather Xinput. Perhaps this is different for the deck’s controls?
Obviously for desktop, there isn’t much point to doing this unless you really make use of big picture mode.
The Java version runs natively on Linux, and you can mod the game as well. If you’re playing bedrock edition, then getting it working might be a little more complicated.
Awesome. Thank you. I play Java. Bedrock is a sin.
If you play bedrock then don’t 🙃
I use Prism Launcher. You can download the mod packs easily.
I second prism launcher!
Playing Java (as mentioned by others) should work just fine on Linux. IIRC Fabric mod loader works pretty well, although it’s been a year since I’ve played.
Sideboard - if you’ve got an nvidia card, look into a mod called nvidium. That plus a few other visual mods got me to 128 chunk render @ ~500FPS… it’s pretty awesome, just only works w/ nvidia cards.
Thanks for the heads up. I do have nvidia. I’ll check it out after I get everything set up.
Prism Launcher is the way to go, works great and has a buildin mod manager.
ATLauncher my beloved, never any controversy!
(I hope this statement never bites me back)
Java on Mint here. Works great with mods too. Been solid for years unless we get a broken mod or buggy forge update, etc. But those are easy to rollback.
I use Feed the beast app, on MX-Linux (Debian based), launching the modpack “All the mods 10” run perfectly, while running the server on the same time (just need a lot of Ram)
I use PolyMC.
I just learned that there’s some nefarious stuff about it though, so I’m switching to a fork of it, Prism Launcher.
I use ATLauncher but for some reason every time I launch it it behaves as if it was a fresh install every time :(
I’m on mint cinnamon
Hello! I’m one of the developers of ATLauncher.
Did you install via flatpak?
This is the one I use on windows. I’m glad I’ll be able to use it on Linux too. Thank you for making such an awesome launcher.
Oh I didn’t do much, just modernization things and Linux stuff.
Ryan is who you should thank, Old lad deserves it.
Fair enough, I’m still grateful to the whole team.
Alright ignore me, I uninstalled Flatseal and it works fine now.
… Flatseal??? I am quite confused but, I’ll just nod for now.
lol I just wanted to install ATLauncher on my 2nd drive and this was a suggested solution to change the installation directory. As I said I’m a complete noob :D
Hmm… I’ll have to update my instructions then, perhaps I made them incorrectly.
Hey :) Yes I did, but I am also a very inexperienced Linux user so I might have done something wrong somewhere.
I always ask if someone installed via flatpak, because apps in flatpaks are all, in theory, in the same environment.
Same environment means testing things is easier, because it’s more likely the fault of some code bug then the user.
It works for me. One thing to note is that your have to press the hidden apply button after changing any settings for then to take effect. I’ve forgotten it many times.
Hidden apply button?
The apply button is at the bottom of each settings page. It’s not deliberately hidden, but it is easy to miss. Just closing the settings page will revert all changes.
Alright, will discuss with Ryan about improvements
Yes Minecraft runs on Java. Java runs on anything except for consoles because they explicitly make sure it doesn’t that’s why there’s off-brand Minecraft now
Or you can go deep dive and try Luanti.
I’ve tried it back when it was called Minetest. It was fun and the different games are neat but it doesn’t have the mods I like (sophisticated storage, create, and some QoL mods)