Just like the title states. Don’t want to buy Scope/Crest/Listerine products anymore. Looking for a Canadian alternative that has fluoride in it. An EU product would also suffice if nothing Canadian is available.
My local pharmacy has X-Pur Opti-Rinse mouthwash on the shelves.
Parent company is Oral Science, they seem based out of Brossard, QC.Oh? Good to know, thank you! Edit: looks like it is sold on well.ca, so might be available at Rexall.
Opti-Rinse is some good stuff, I second the recommendation.
Opti-Rinse is awesome, and is made in Québec. You can buy direct from Oral Science at their boutique site: https://en.boutique.oralscience.com/collections/opti-rinse/products/x-pur-opti-rinse-plus-0-2-sodium-fluoride-1-litre. That’s where I buy mine.
Healthy Planet has a ‘Canada only’ search option that may help.
Opti-Rinse and Denta-Rinse from Manta Pharma based in Brossard QC or Oro-NAF which is from another Quebec dental company. Both are available online if you can’t find them in your local drugstores.