Comparison shot (exact framing a hair off):
Inspirational credit to for their Dark Matter “Especially” crossover wherin I found the existing template a bit fuzzy. Of course, seeing as there’s no actual official HD footage to work off of (thanks, Paramount), the newer shots taken are at least more detailed.
Have you seen the Upscaled version of DS9?
They have been doing lots of work from a rare set of Laser Disc releases of DS9 and are attempting Voyager as well.
May have to make another attempt then.
Is this the same person that did Voyager upscale???Mm never mind then… If it isn’t out yet, must be the ai upscale of it I watched.
They have completed season 1 (last I checked) but not much further.
Was that one any good?
Most of the “AI” upscaled stuff I’ve watched has been garbage. But there’s been a couple recently that were pretty good. Even animated stuff (most look really offputting)
Here is a 2x2 grid template that I had made from a fan remaster:
Though the expression and body language in your third panel is arguably more fitting for the format
Looking good.
Funny thing is, panel 3 is actually earlier in the scene right as Garak sits down. The bewildered look the result of seeing him up and about so soon after removing the device.
Yeah, my third panel is taken from when Bashir was actually saying that line. But despite that technically being more accurate to the source material, I think that is not all that necessary when creating a meme. I think your third panel is better at depicting a sort of “caught off-guard” expression that fits with the tone of the meme, whereas my third panel is more of a knowing “we’re both in on the joke” expression.
It definitely works, just threw me off when I went scouting for the shots last night. A clever usage by who-the-hell-ever that made the original.
Needs more JPEG
Garak’s expression in the last frame always gets my upvote.
I’m impressed with some of the detail the upscaler can restore, such as the grid in the lights around the replicator in the background, behind Bashir. It’s not like it’s even in focus to begin with.
I took shots from my pc using a widget, which would account for the inexact frames. They come out around 1mp and I’ll upscale from there. It does a decent job. The captures on Trekcore don’t have nearly the right expressions so had to venture out.
I have always understood that the show wasn’t filmed on actual film, making an HD version difficult and/or impossible via traditional methods.
I could be wrong about that though, and would love to have an HD version of DS9 someday!
DS9 was produced the same way TNG was, other than the CGI ships in later seasons that TNG never had: It was shot on 35mm film, but transferred to video for editing & visual effects. Producing a proper HD rerelease would require doing an HD transfer from the film negatives then re-editing and redoing any non-practical effects. (Any phaser beams, transporter sparkles, or Changling morphs.) The TNG HD remaster BluRays didn’t get Paramount enough return on investment to justify doing DS9 HD, especially with DS9 not having the same broad popularity as TNG.
I did my part. I (re-)bought TOS, TAS, TNG, and all of the movies on Blu-ray when they came out. Can’t say I’m pleased with DS9 etc being in upscale limbo forever.
Thanks for the info, I did not know that.
You are correct. It was made on tape as a cost cutting measure.