Province also celebrating recruitment of 1,001 new family doctors in 2 years
Osborne says the province is changing its licensing rules so U.S.-trained doctors can begin practising in B.C. right away, without any need for further assessment, exams or training.
She said there will be a similar scale-back of the barriers facing U.S.-trained nurses and that a marketing campaign will be unveiled in Washington, Oregon and California within the next few months.
Glad they are only targeting west coast states with the ad campaign so that hopefully newcomers have similar ideals to BC already.
In other words, glad they aren’t recruiting in Florida.
California, Oregon and Washington all have huge numbers of Republicans, they’re Blue States, but their rural areas are super conservative. Also, arguably, any nurses or doctors from Red States willing to move to BC and practice are likely to be much more liberal than the majority of people in those states. The medical practice people fleeing Red States are the ones who are typically pro choice, either pro or at least not anti-lgbtq+ and are willing to have them as patients. BC also has a massive Bible-belt, and many very conservative communities. So…idk. 🤷 My hope is that nothing comes of Trump’s constant threats against our sovereignty, and shit gets so bad for Blue States that they come knocking asking about joining Canada. That’d be cool.
This is a brilliant move and good for everyone. It should inject some much needed personnel into our system very quickly and it helps those same people to leave the United States which may not be so welcoming anymore.
I could see patients in blue states not being thrilled about it
As I kinda alluded to in a different comment, it might be a better strategy to recruit from Red States. Medical folk from Red States, that are willing to leave, are likely to be more liberal than the general population. They’re likely to want to jump ship as they disagree with things like:
- stripping woman’s rights
- dehumanising trans and other LGBTQ folk
- the parasitic, life destroying, for profit medical system in the US
Idk, just spitballing I guess.
Do you guys need software engineers (me) and structural engineers (my wife)?
I don’t have any resources on hand, but I would think so. There are a number of infrastructure and housing projects in the works, and (experienced) software engineers seem to be in demand everywhere
Or industrial engineers?
If somehow we didn’t before, we probably will now with the trade war and changes in manufacturing
Wonderful. I’ve already been metricating and am proud to defect to a reasonable country
Yesss take me away from this place but ima need someone to pay off my $400k medical school debt please