What is a nice or interesting memory you keep with the SNES?
I played a lot of SNES back when I was a kid (I received my SNES when I was 4 years old as a Christmas present, now I’m on my 37s). But I had Super Battletank, a game where you play as a tank to get rid of enemies. The guns and bombs were so loud it scared the sh*t out of me and I fled from the room and cuddle in the sofa, shutting my ears.
Now I remember this with a laugh 😂.
The first video game commercial I ever saw on actual TV was for Secret of Mana. I loved that game. It was the last thing I played on my actual SNES before the system itself just died on me during the final boss fight 😩
Did you manage at least to beat the final boss in some other way?
Oh I almost immediately got a cart dumper to not just emulate the game, but to get my save file off the cart so I didn’t have to grind through the entire game again.
That game! Hot damn i still remember some of the music. I bought that addon thing just so i could have 3 player simultaneous co-op