If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S via text, chat, or phone. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free.
Pretty chill. Found a trans-friendly hair transplant surgeon but he wants me to wait 6 months so the Testosterone fully leaves my hair follicles. Kinda bummed but it is what it is.
Oh I didn’t know that was a thing. Still, it’s gonna be sooner rather than later!
Late reply, but he works with a lot of transwomen and said that Testosterone causes miniaturizarion of hair follicles whereas estrogen reverses it to an extent. So by waiting, the results will be much better. I’m thankful that I found a knowledgeable doctor who wants the best results instead of just taking my money.
Spent about the past 2 months going, uh this egg isn’t broken, it’s uh… Meanwhile getting yolk and broken shell all over. Coming out of the shell is not a linear process.
On the plus side, I went to Pride House for the first time and met some cool and kind folks. It was nice to be Out for the first time.
Happy for you! Breaking out of the egg is harder than it feels it should be, but it is so worth doing.
Mailed my in-patient documents to the closest LGBTQ+ affirming doctor. (about 30 minutes from me) They will call me to schedule my hrt consultation once they receive it!
I was on a hike with my girlfriend and I was wearing a cute and femme outfit. Got to take really nice selfies (I LIKE pictures of me now what???) and nobody that passed us on the trail said anything mean or looked at me weird. Felt really nice :)
Sooo amazing!! The 7th was my year anniversary being on HRT, and it’s just been such a shining experience for me. One of the highlights is the new friends I’ve made who fully accept me for who I am and who make me feel so comfortable with them. I actually started playing the new Monster Hunter with one of them and her friend. It was the first time I’ve used VC in over a year, and the first time I’ve used VC with anyone outside my irl friend group in over a decade. I was super nervous since my voice is still a major work in progress, but both of them have just been so kind and fun to play with. Gaming with other girls just feels so right, and I feel like I’m getting the co-op/online experience that I’ve always wanted and never had.
Congrats! Girl pals playing monster hunter sounds fun as heck
I’ve been in a different city, but when I get home I think I’ll talk to an endocrinologist!