Not the fancy quick kind, but the slow, rolled oats kind which is lower on the glycemic index.
As I was eating it plain, I noticed that it was cooler than usual while the humidity wasn’t bad.
Seizing this rare opportunity in the South, I opened my doors and windows, threw caution to the wind, and kept cooking. One nice lentil stew and some baked salmon later (which I will enjoy for lunch and dinner), I closed up the house knowing that I saved maybe $0.10 in air conditioning.
Not all heroes wear capes gentlemen.
I eat regular oatmeal every morning, made with water, but I microwave it. 1/4 tsp table salt, no sweetener of any kind; just oats, water, salt.
1.5 mins high, 3 mins 50%.
It’s the key to my physical weakness and intellectually average ability.
Saturday? I went for a nice walk to enjoy the sun. However, not being in the South, I did limit the dog to a mile, given the wind making it “feel like” 16°
From the southwestish, but more south, I salute you!
These savings add up
Plus, fresh air!