Press F1 in-game for help on the controls.
I know the usual thing in tech and hacker community is usually ‘why not??’ when people question why someone did a project, but this one has me scratching my head when Devilution-X exists. I’m really questioning why someone would go through the effort to finish this project.
I would think at least some of it was for historical preservation. The prerelease demo is neither the same as nor included in the released game. Voices are different, for example.
My thoughts exactly. I mean you can buy it drm free on gog even, and that runs on modern systems too.
But you can’t but an early build of Diablo that was basically a “snapshot of the entire game 4 months prior to release”.
I guess I just had no idea what this was. I read the Gitlab page and now it makes sense. Seems very cool.