The video is yet another case of Democrats resenting their base for expecting them to stand up for anything.

In a leaked recording, State Senator Elena Parent (D-42) said she’d vote for Republican transgender healthcare bans because trans rights are too “unpopular."

“You can go right to heck. I don’t think I will lose re-election based on you screaming at me”

The insane flipping back and forth in the video of declaring yourself pro-lgbt whilst signalling you’ll vote for anti-trans legislation, to then attack the person asking them obvious questions by declaring that the question implies because Republicans are in charge that they should adopt opposite positions and they’re not going to vote for things that are “unpopular”.

The democratic politician distilled: You need to vote for me because I support you and I’m not as bad as Republicans, but when it comes down to it I will throw you under the bus and get mad at you for asking me about it and implying I might not be a good person.

But swearing is a no-no so I’ll say Heck as I support you being oppressed by the state.

    21 days ago

    And this is why this country has gone to hell. Sorry, “heck.”

    We’re going to get every fucking Dem on MAGA’s side because “baww, re-elections!” Fuck this shit. Get a fucking army, march into the White House and remove that fucking convicted felon from it who never should have been eligible for running for president in the first place, get Harris in there to fix his bullshit, and get this country back on track.

    If that doesn’t happen, there’s going to be a mass exodus from this country because we’re absolutely goddamned fucked. Oh, sorry, “absolutely gat-durned clucked.” I forgot swearing was illegal now.

        21 days ago

        But… But… Trump’s a convicted felon (as opposed to all of the democratic leadership, who are felons, but have never been convicted)