I need to grind something easy to level up and buy shit.
Become an exterminator or a wolf hunter?
Collect edible mushrooms in the woods
I did know a dude who said that he picks psychedelic mushrooms in public parks all around the city and makes like $10k a year or something. Don’t know how true, but I do know if you know what to look for, you can find psychedelic mushrooms all around your city in small patches of grass.
Dice onions.
That’s the real world quest that makes you cry. But then, most real world quests do that… 🤔
Florida pays for killing snakes, several states have culling laws. Killing It (2022) a hidden gem about it https://m.imdb.com/title/tt14129378/
Uber I guess?
Shelf stacker, call centre agent.
Necessary jobs much like killing rats and wolves.