Today of all days, and for reasons known only to themselves, the Smithsonian Magazine decided to publish an article on class warfare and schemes of execution.
“Highwaymen were broken on the wheel, witches burnt at the stake and thieves hung,” wrote Eamonn Carrabine, a sociologist and criminologist at the University of Essex in England. Aristocrats, on the other hand, were usually beheaded with a sword, a privilege that “was not extended to most commoners, who were decapitated by an unwieldy ‘heading axe’ that bludgeoned its way through the neck, often requiring several attempts.”
They were savage, but at least they had balls. Big Luigi-balls.
Sadly, there will not be a revolt in the U.S.
Not with that attitude
We could sure use some of that French Revolution energy. Here’s some of its music!, ! . Where can I import an authentic French symbol of equality?