Let’s say that you have an opportunity to gain billions to fix the society from the top. Do you think that you would keep your integrity and use your money for the greater good, or that you would be corrupted by your power?

If so, would you still accept the offer knowing that you would just make the situation worse?

And if you believe in yourself, how would you try to convince an hypotetical entity to give you this wealth?

To avoid regrets let’s say that if you decline the offer your memory about the deal gets erased.

  • CanadaPlus
    2 months ago

    It’s true, if you don’t play you can’t win. That being said, if you go through these people’s life stories they come across as very similar to the legions of entrepreneurs that didn’t strike it big.

    Maybe what you’re saying is that everyone who’s tried to make big money is a bastard. I guess you could do that, but that’s not really the impression I’ve gotten of the startup dorks I’ve met.