Hi Everyone! I struggle sometimes to make my 6 month old baby daughter eat solid food.
What I have tried so far is this:
- Eliminate any distractions such as the TV
- No forcing her to eat
- Try to make her play with the food with her hands
- Always help her to grab the spoon so she can put it in her mouth on her own
- Put her in her baby chair to eat
- Synchronize the feeding time with our own eating time
Despite trying all of these, there are days that she really doesn’t want to eat and prefers the baby bottle. Wanted to check with you all if you have experienced the same and see what you have tried so far?
I welcome any feedback!
I didn’t do this on purpose but when my baby saw me eating something while they sat in my lap it became something they wanted because i was doing it. Maybe even play it up with big “yum yum” type stuff but don’t actually ask if the baby wants any.
To be clear i didn’t have any real trouble on this front specifically. FOMO is a powerful motivator at the young ages though