That’s not limited to Lemmy. It’s what happens across all social media. A tiny percentage of people will post, a larger percentage will comment, and the vast majority will lurk. The general numbers I’ve heard thrown around are 1-9-90, but the posters and commenters are probably much lower than 1% and 9%. Especially as platform size increases.
As for why, and this is hazarding a guess: posting takes effort, commenting takes less, and lurking takes the least.
Kinda sucks don’t you think?
Yes, but the more we comment and post the more likely it is new memebers will stay which eventually leads to more posters and commenters
What incentives them to start participating and not lurk anymore?
Great question, I honstly dont know, I think if you can answer that you can make a lot of money somewhere lol companies spend millions trying to get people to engage with stuff
Man that’s so true. Good point. It gets tiring being only one of the few to post stuff. Wish more ppl made that effort
No. I prefer signal rather than noise.
I don’t think the ratio is that far off from reddit. Getting involved takes effort. Up votes take none
True. But isn’t that boring though?
Depends on the person i guess. Most seem content just scrolling. shrug
Yea it’s annoying honestly
I lost count of the times I started typing a post or comment and either couldn’t come up with the right phrasing to convey what I want, or just decided that my dumb comment wasn’t worth posting.
Over analysis paralysis
I feel that
It is easier to read than to type
I think most people treat it as a news/content aggregator service…
Much of the time the perfect comment has also already been made.
Yea true, that’s a good point
What makes you think they do that?
That’s just who I am. A lurker by nature. A browser in the night. I’m… Lurkman?
What makes you not want to post?
But why though