I’ve got a wattle that currently has a thinner than ideal trunk. I’ve been looking into what I can do to encourage it to develop a thicker trunk. Mostly this seems to be about only providing the minimum amount of support it needs and keeping it loose so that the wind / swaying stimulates trunk growth.

But in passing I’ve heard that trimming the lower branches can also help. So far this is just a rumour to me and I’d like to substantiate it somehow. Have others heard the same?

Also - with the heat we’re getting lately do I need to worry about stressing out the tree? I probably don’t need to remove that many branches (should be less than 10%). Is there a good guide for how much I can trim without stressing the tree?

  • Gorgritch_Umie_Killa@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    I know nothing about pruning, and am really interested to follow this thread as well.

    In saying that, my general rule has been general pruning only during autumn or spring. If theres a dead branch then anytime, the sooner it comes off the better. Always clean the cutting implement before and after use, to remove any nasties. I’ll usually give the plant a good drink after pruning as well.

    I have no idea whether i’m doing the right things here or not though.