“I am here to push Canada to stop supplying Israel with weapons, and to make it clear that Jewish people do not want Canada to continue to provide weapons to Israel,” David Mivasair, a retired rabbi who served two different synagogues in Vancouver for about 23 years, told Ricochet. Mivasair’s message to the MPs was “not to listen to the Jewish organizations supporting Israel — they don’t speak for us.”

“When we survived the Holocaust, we learned that this should never again happen for anyone,” she said. “Never again means never again for anyone, and this is happening in our name.

So far, 47 MPs, including NDP Foreign Affairs critic Heather McPherson and Hamilton Centre MP Matthew Green, have agreed to endorse the government’s proposed full arms embargo, Small says.

“We have had some baby steps, but it is not enough, Wasser told Ricochet. “There are still at least 200 permits that have not been suspended for Canadian companies manufacturing weapons going to Israel.”

  • abff08f4813c@j4vcdedmiokf56h3ho4t62mlku.srv.us
    3 months ago

    I’m bothered in particular in that there is this loophole where Canadian companies can sell to the US - and then those arms end up going to Israel. Apparently, since the Canadian-US relationship is considered special, this isn’t tracked or counted.