I’m bothered in particular in that there is this loophole where Canadian companies can sell to the US - and then those arms end up going to Israel. Apparently, since the Canadian-US relationship is considered special, this isn’t tracked or counted.
I’m bothered in particular in that there is this loophole where Canadian companies can sell to the US - and then those arms end up going to Israel. Apparently, since the Canadian-US relationship is considered special, this isn’t tracked or counted.
When you think about it, in some ways it’s not that unreasonable of an assumption. 300 - 110 (who couldn’t get into the building) = 190 (who voted to end martial law)
If you could the votes of those who were actually present, then you could say it was unanimous.
That said, a PPP delegate who was going to vote against probably didn’t have a whole lot of incentive to try and get into the building (suggesting the possibility that it might be reasonable to count at least some of the “unable to get in” folks as no votes).
Good to hear that these are already being used
I think so too, but a couple of things to note here:
Back in 2022 it might have already been clear to someone observant in Canadian politics that Trudeau was becoming a liability and that the Conservatives were on their way to becoming ascendant. Perhaps they even suspected the rise of Poilievre.
Meanwhile, the family’s attempted crossing happened almost exactly one year after Biden defeated the MAGA President, suggesting a turnaround down South. (Also, as a practical matter, I can see a family of four needing an entire year to wrap up their lives in their current city before executing on a big move like this.) We know now that this wasn’t going to last in the US, but back in 2022 I can see why someone would be more optimistic about that.
And of course if politics didn’t come into play, then they may have run the numbers and found parts of the US more affordable than Canada. More details on both points available over at https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadians-moving-to-the-us-hits-10-year-high-1.7218479
Finally, this is an issue that goes both ways. Folks have also tried to cross from the US into Canada and also nearly froze to death, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44865022
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I think piefed.social/pyfedi (which is slowly implementing support for all such objects) should get a mention here as well
Hmm… well that’s disappointing. I know the IRS in the US does this (as per https://www.propublica.org/article/irs-sorry-but-its-just-easier-and-cheaper-to-audit-the-poor ) was hoping Canada was made of stronger stuff.
The article explains,
without verifying what turned out to be sham documents.
In other words, they did have to do the same thing, but instead of spending lots of time and money on the real thing (which was impossible for them anyways because - you know, they’re scammers) they did it for free with tools like photoshop.
Now, the lack of verification is probably a new thing post covid - if someone had tried this back in 2011 I’m guessing the CRA would have attempted to verify, caught that they were sham documents, and serious consequences would ensure.
It’s a separate process as per https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/04/1116982 and https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148896 - this resolution is in the UN General Assembly, whereas vetos apply to things that get sent to the UN Security Council.
When the USSR tried to use it’s veto to end the Korean war, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_377_(V got passed to provide authorization to allow the UN members to continue fighting in support of South Korea.
Also see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_special_session_of_the_United_Nations_General_Assembly
Is this the same news as described in https://www.cbsnews.com/news/spain-friars-killed-injured-monastery/ ?
So I dug into the source code a bit to see how it’s used. It turns out that IPFS might actually optional, as per the log line on https://github.com/hyprspace/hyprspace/blob/master/p2p/node.go#L213 (“Getting additional peers from IPFS API”)
The list of required bootstrap peers is hardcoded in the same file, but a few lines above, specifically at https://github.com/hyprspace/hyprspace/blob/master/p2p/node.go#L181
I say might be because - while the required bootstrap peers include a bunch of ones based on bootstrap.libp2p.io - there is a long list of hardcoded ip addresses and I don’t recognize any of them.
So those might be libp2p.io ip addresses, but they might also be IPFS ip addresses, or even belong to someone else altogether. (Edit: There are WHOIS tools online like https://lookup.icann.org/en that can be used to look these up and figure out who they belong to if you are really curious, but I can’t be bothered to do that right now.)
In any case, it looks like the way this works is that from a peer, libp2p tries to look up additional peers, and so on. So at most IPFS would be used as a way to get a listing, but once the desired peer is found, IPFS is cut out of the picture for that particular connection and NAT hole punching is used to establish a direct connection between peers instead (as per the linked wikipedia article, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hole_punching_(networking )
There might be ways around that though.
Consider that when https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_2758_(XXVI originally passed, for example, the US was not able to veto this.
Makes sense to me. What’s the use of have a member in an organization when can’t follow the rules set by said org?
At first glance, “the right call” makes me think spatially in terms of direction - i.e. always call the phone number on the right side of the page, instead of the left side.
(Obviously they mean the correct call to get the correct help, but it’s still funny).
Well, if the Bern agrees with you (and it sounds like he does - https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/bernie-sanders-democrats-working-class/ ) … and I think AOC found something similar when she asked, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/voters-who-back-both-aoc-and-trump-explain-their-head-scratching-politics/ar-AA1tTzAS
It really does seem to be down to wanting to be heard more about the economy and such.
Well, on that I blame the overall shift of the US for getting redder, https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/18340229
Remember that turnout in 2024 was higher than 2020 for Dems in the swing states - but even more folks came out to vote red.
Agreed on California and Colorado - it’s not the same as the whole country but it’s a start.
Still, if they can convince him to keep the US in the agreement, that’s better than the alternative. Though my hopes here are not high.
Alas, they’d have a seat at the table anyways, considering how large and global they are - they could for example push through their ExxonMobile Canada affiliate, or through one or several of their European ones.
That’s wrong. That’s basically hate speech.
From the article though it’s not clear that the Maccabi fans used physical violence against anyone.
By contrast, from the article,
there were numerous attacks, described by Halsema as “hit and run”, on Maccabi supporters across the city centre.
Footage showed masked youths on scooters and ebikes seeking out, chasing down and beating victims – mostly in Maccabi colours – until about 4am.
Five people were hospitalised and 20 to 30 slightly injured.
Undoubtably this is why the authorities ended up making arrests on both groups,
About 800 police made a total of 62 arrests before, during and after the match, mostly for public order offences. The city hall report released on Monday said 10 Israelis had been among those detained.
“We failed the Jewish community of the Netherlands during the second world war,” Willem-Alexander said, “and last night we failed again”. The US president, Joe Biden, called the violence “despicable” and an echo of “dark moments in history”.
It’s good that the leaders are aware of and want to avoid the mistakes of the Holocaust, or anything even vaguely resembling it. However, there should have also been a call against the earlier hate speech - Arabs and Muslims are also worthy and deserving of respect and protection.
Reading between the lines, the violence against the fans (which is still wrong - if nothing else, how do they know that the particular fan they tracked down was one of the ones shouting the disagreeable slogans earlier rather than one of the folks who signed onto https://www.democracynow.org/2024/10/28/israel_intl_law ) seems to have been a response to the earlier hate speech and demonstrations.
So if the authorities had the authority and done their job to prevent the former, then the later attacks might not have happened.