It seems that for me whenever the meds “kick in” I can’t really mask properly anymore which causes undesired social issues with some friends (especially in an outdoor setting like this meme implies). Wondering how many others experience this, and does anyone know why this happens? I haven’t found any good reading on it and the psychs I mention it to just dismiss it.

    11 months ago

    I take a stimulant (not concerta), and it doesn’t interfere with my socializing. In fact, it makes me better at socializing because I don’t try to speedrun infodumping anymore. While it is, admittedly, less fun that I don’t eventually end up blabbing about tsunami physics because somebody asked me whether I thought the Bluetooth keyboard was going dead, it means that there’s more actual conversation that happens between myself and others.

    That said, my kids both take stimulants. I’ve observed that it effects everyone a little differently, so, I dunno, maybe it is the concerta doing it.

    • EevolticOP
      611 months ago

      For me, I was a lot better at talking to people before I started ADHD treatment and I’ve noticed if I don’t take my meds that ability comes back. I think it’s because my autism traits are much more apparent now and I now get sensory overload from daily life activities, so it’s just harder for me to deal with people.

      Do you mind sharing what you take? I’ve only tried concerta (after trying ritalin) and I’ve also heard that stims effect everyone differently, so one med might be “better” for one person, but not the other.

      It might be that I also take clonidine, but that actually seemed to help me a little with the social stuff.

        411 months ago

        I take Adderall, but I know what you’re talking about. My son has both, and when the ADHD symptoms are better controlled, the autism symptoms become more clear, though he’s blessed with an overly social manifestation of autism symptoms.

  • @some_guy
    511 months ago

    If you don’t mind sharing, what category of meds? I take an antidepressant, so it’s low impact day-of. Maybe something for ADHD?

    • EevolticOP
      11 months ago

      Oh I should have specified sorry! I’m talking about ADHD meds, I take concerta (methylphenidate)

      EDIT: Updated post to reflect this

    511 months ago

    For me it is opposite. I take methylphenidate, and it moves me quite a bit more from introvert towards extrovert. So I can socialize much easier.

    • EevolticOP
      211 months ago

      It could be a dosage thing for me, because I sometimes get that introvert -> extrovert effect, but more often than not is makes me somewhat trapped in my head where I can’t really figure out how to talk to people.

  • EevolticOP
    11 months ago

    Image Transcription: Meme

    [The meme follows the standard baton roue meme template with three panels. It depecits a cyclist who causes themselves to fall off their bike. The three panels have text associated with their corresponding panels.]

    [In the first panel a person is riding their bike and is holding a baton in hand. The text reads:]

    makes plans to hang out with someone

    [In the second panel they wedge the baton into their bike’s wheel. The text reads:]

    takes meds on said day

    [In the third panel they are toppled to the ground from off of their bike and they speak out in pain. The text reads:]

    “why is this so much harder?”

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

    • AgamemnonM
      110 months ago

      😳 ❓ (I am tempted to ask for clarification - if you are okay with that - but I ask you to do so in a new thread that is properly marked)

    29 months ago

    Very much so. I find when I have taken methylphenidate I can get more done especially chores - but I find myself like wanting to aggressively infodump and write small novels in text at people and I have to actively try to stop myself from just going on and on about various topics. It’s embarrassing because I know there’s steps I should take… gauging interest. Summarizing. Keeping on topic. To talk to nt folks. But… argh. I just want to get the information transmitted so they can process and we can both be on the same page with addressing whatever we’re talking about

  • AgamemnonM
    211 months ago

    Not more than usual, I think (?)

    So far, none of my friends were able to tell if I had taken my meds that day or not… until they wear off - then it’s quite obvious.