What Linux distribution or distributions do you personally use?

I myself am a daily Void user. I used to use Devuan, but wanted to try rolling release and ended up loving Void!

  • damn
    381 year ago

    Arch Linux. Always very up-to-date and the AUR is huge. No dealing with PPAs or snaps or flatpaks or appimages. Just paru -S any-software-ever-made. Also very streamlined (systemd for everything lol) and well documented. I tried NixOS for a bit but it was very inconvenient in comparison and I felt like it was impossible to tinker with or understand if you weren’t good at Haskell. Terrible documentation.

    For servers it’s definitely Debian + docker.

  • @argv_minus_one@beehaw.org
    301 year ago

    Debian. Several reasons:

    • It’s trustworthy.
    • It’s not going anywhere. Debian existed when I was a kid and it’ll probably still exist when I draw my last breath.
    • I know how to use it, since, once again, I’ve been using it since I was a kid.
    • It has all the desktop environments.
    • It fully supports systemd. I do not miss the unreliability, slowness, and complexity of what came before that. (Normally I wouldn’t mention this, but your former distro of choice exists solely for the purpose of not having systemd, so it’s relevant this time.)
  • Danacus
    171 year ago

    Fedora, because it just works and it ships recent software versions.

    I also like Fedora Silverblue, and projects like ublue are very interesting in my opinion.

  • @dr_doorknob@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I use opensuse with kde and I love it. Have been using it for 2 years now.

    For server use at home I use Ubuntu Server and Alma Linux (mostly)

    At work it is all RedHat.

  • Matej
    121 year ago

    I was a distro hopper once, then I saw the light of NixOS…

  • langurmonkey
    101 year ago

    Using Arch everywhere (home, work, laptop). It’s boring, but it just works.

  • michael
    91 year ago

    I used to use Void as my main distro, but then the developer drama made me shy away from it (keep in mind, this was like forever ago and I haven’t looked at Void at all since). After that I floated around trying everything, from Gentoo to the BSDs (I know, not Linux). Nowadays I use OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. I got tired of doing everything manually and OpenSUSE just makes everything so much easier to use, IMO.

  • @jaller698@feddit.dk
    91 year ago

    I’ve been a daily fedora user for the half year. Initially I started off with ElementaryOS but it was so filled with bugs, and glitches, so it didnt last for more than a couple of months. While the fedora experience is way more streamlined.

  • lckdscl [they/them]
    91 year ago

    Arch Linux everywhere. I’m curious about NixOS but I don’t have the time to tinker anymore.