North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un, ramped up the rhetoric that has increasingly soured relations between South Korea, promising it would use “all the offensive forces it has possessed, including nuclear weapons”. South Korea responded that its US-backed response would be “overwhelming” and result in the “end of the North Korean regime.”
Why do I feel like NK thinks they have nuclear warheads and make attempts to appear to have WWMDs but in reality are like a paper castle? Call me skeptic but it all sounds so absurd and fake with their missile launching attempts and their “nuclear reactors”. Here’s hoping NK is simply delusional and is no real threat.
Didn’t they successfully detonate a small nuke a few years back? Their nukes are likely crude as hell, compared to most modern bombs, but that doesn’t stop them working.
Getting a nuke, of that size, anywhere useful is the real challenge. Your not going to get it into a small ICBM. You also REALLY don’t want a misfire. Old style nukes would spread a lot of fallout, even if they didn’t properly go bang.
Seoul is very close to the border with NK. They don’t need to be very accurate or go very far to cause catastrophic damage.