Why is this sub just CBC news stories? Does a bot add them all? They are mostly empty with no comments. Makes for a strange feed.

Edit: I think I just need to figure out which way to sort my feed. Sorting by hot gives me almost all CBC.

Edit 2: CBC is great. I am commenting on the state of c/Canada, not the quality of CBC

  • grte@lemmy.ca
    2 years ago

    Is there an issue? I suggest you look at the raft of communities started during the reddit blackout that did not have users submitting content daily and look at how busy they are now. If you look at the community sorted to Top Day you will see that we’re starting to get a decent variety of sources now, so the original plan of watering the community with content until enough of a userbase was collected together that people started submitting a larger variety of things seems to be bearing fruit. People are scooping me on stories more and more which I think is great.

    What I’d love to start popping up more actually is posts like this one. Not directly news related, but discussion based posts that really get the community to come out and talk about things. The kind of discussions that get people engaged and contributing.

    • SR Gray@lemmy.ca
      2 years ago


      I don’t have an issue (I was replying to the previous post), especially as I do see value in seeding a community with posts. An empty community is a dead community.

      However, it may be of more benefit to spread them out. After all, this is all federated. So anyone following the community from elsewhere (my prior reply was from a Mastodon account), they will receive a big wall of posts from this community all at once, but if they were to log in later in the day, they would see nothing (as it all posted earlier).

      It would also allow other people to post something themselves and start a conversation in the post, as opposed to just an unexamined link.

      Some might also see it as an attempt at spamming or karma farming (even though that no longer translates). Perhaps those thoughts may be something to consider.

      • grte@lemmy.ca
        2 years ago

        My objective has always been to back off as more members of the community step in to take part. I definitely understand that my posts were like an info-dump, that’s a product of me doing it before I leave for work in the morning. We are starting to get a lot more submissions now so I will be a bit more discerning with my posts going forward.

        • MyFeetOwnMySoul@lemmy.ca
          2 years ago

          I see you in my feed every day, and every time I think “huh, I’m glad someone is doing it”

          Keep on keeping on. You’ve got my support anyway.

        • SR Gray@lemmy.ca
          2 years ago

          Good stuff. I love how it’s grown and look forward to seeing more voices discuss the issues that arise.

          I’m working on growing !greater_sudbury@lemmy.ca myself, and have tried to limit to 1 or 2 posts per day, just to keep them coming and leave openings for other locals to step in, but without the same kind of response.

          Perhaps I’m the one that needs to take on a more aggressive seeding technique…

          • grte@lemmy.ca
            2 years ago

            Well what I discovered was that the posts that would get interaction were not always obvious to me. There are definitely some where you can know for sure people will be interested, but many posts I was surprised by either how popular they were or how much the post whiffed. It takes all kinds to make the world go around, I suppose.

            I also think that it’s just a matter of population. I do the same sort of thing with some smaller Canada-adjacent communities that I’m interested in, and while they get a decent amount of interaction in the form of upvoting and downvoting, they haven’t hit a critical mass of population to start generating much in the way of discussion. This community only just seems to be capable of sustaining a decent amount as of hitting 2k subscribers. My hope is that as this community grows interested people will filter into those more niche communities and the same process that is happening here, will happen there, albeit more slowly.

    • Grimpen@lemmy.ca
      2 years ago

      Yep. I figured that the problem wasn’t that you were posting too much, but that no one else was posting.