I went to a Korean hot pot place one time and ordered the hottest broth. The waitress, who barely spoke English, asked if I was sure. I said yes and when they brought it out I was sweating buckets but still loved the food. The waitress actually brought out a fan and stuck it next to my table. 10 out of 10, Would sweat again
Hottest shit I’ve ever eaten was Thai Food.
I’ve done the One Chip Challenge, regularly dump Carolina Reaper Sauce on my food, have eaten Ghost Pepper raw twice.
But none of it compares to the regular spicy noodles and beef dish I have eaten from the local Thai place. Southeastern Asians are just a different breed when it comes to Spices.
Thai papaya salad was what got me into hot food. I was at a Thai restaurant with Thai friends, and they told me to try it. It looked like coleslaw to me, so I grabbed a bunch and started eating it. First couple bites were fine, but then the heat came. And the salad was the only thing that provided any temporary relief. I had so much of it. I loved it. I’ve tried it other places, never been as good because they will use jalapeno instead of the tiny Thai chilis.
Spices and taste, all of it taste increadible!
One time I went to an Indian restaurant with my boss (from south India) and a Mexican coworker. I ordered my food mild, my boss ordered his medium, and the Mexican guy ordered his hot. My boss tried to warn him but he insisted that he could handle spicy food.
The food came out, the Mexican guy had no problem eating his, and he started gloating. Then my boss told him that he was actually eating my boss’s medium food. After they switched plates, the Mexican guy turned red, started sweating, and had to ask my boss to switch back.
(My boss had no problem eating the hot food; he just preferred the taste of medium.)
My brother is half white half Mexican and I am pretty much full white.
He decided to order his as hot as mine even though we all warned him not to.
His food tasted pretty good at about 3:30 the next morning
This makes it sound like you ate his shit…
It’s 2023 don’t judge me. ;)
Yeah too much spice kills the flavour. You should be using spices to enhance the flavour, not smother it.
Yeah that’s true. If I wanted to drown in only tasting the spice, I’d eat a few peppers or something. Spice is good, but so is flavour.
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I don’t understand how people do this, to be honest. Do you know how spicy food works? The receptor it triggers in your mouth is TRPV1, which does handle heat regulation and sensitivity, but it’s also a pain receptor. Like, selectively removing it to treat the pain caused by bone cancer kind of receptor.
The kind of heat that sets it off is heat above 109F/43C, in addition to things like scorpion venom. Presumably it comes through as heat. Everyone tells me it feels hot. I don’t get “heat.” I get what is clearly agony in one of the most innervated areas of the body, and science backed me up on this.
Y’all are addicted to licking the curling iron and I’m the weird one
You’re probably just sensitive to capsaicin. I love hot food, and it takes a lot for me to end up in agony like you described. But I’ve definitely been that guy at an Indian place where I’m sweating profusely while telling the staff the food is delicious.
Finding a hot sauce that tastes good/doesn’t taste like hot garbage is harder than actually eating food seasoned with it.
I’m a chili head and I fucking hate hot sauce that’s just pain without flavor. I’ve also been the guy in a Thai restaurant that regretted “hottest” on their menu.
Same. I’ve thrown out entire gift sets I’ve gotten because it’s just hot garbage in a bottle. I always tell the giver that I appreciate the thought, but if you’re gonna spend the money, go to someplace like pepper Palace and get one good thing instead of six bottles turds.
I think that’s why I tend to like carrot based hot sauces over vinegar. The carrot dulls the spiciness a bit and you get the flavor of the peppers more.
Carrot based hot sauce you say? I’m intrigued and will research on my own, but do you have a suggestion for a good tasting medium heat hot sauce that is carrot based?
Secret Aardvark is pretty famous in the US West and its third ingredient is carrot. This site has a whole section for carrot-based. I think they are usually habanero sauces
I actually have some Secret Aardvark in my fridge already, it’s tasty stuff. Never realized it was carrot based. Thanks for the info and link.
Ferment your own if you really want to get wild. It’s not hard, just takes patience.
Many of the thick sauces are carrot based, since it stops it just being a bottle of spice water and actually has a sauce consistancy
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If the marketing leads with the Scoville rating, that’s usually it’s a sign it’s going to be shit. I used to be very into chillies, somehow I drifted away from it. But the Naga Jolokia sauce I had could ruin a pot with a few drops. Naturally I ate a teaspoon of it once, and can’t say I recommend it.
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Yeah, I think this one was made with added capsaicin extract, it had that kind of black colour to it.
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I enjoy spicy food, but among Euro-Americans it isn’t about the taste, it’s a macho badass thing. You prove how much of a man you are by how many Scoville units you can consume. It’s dumb.
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Same here I like chilli in moderation, a drop or two of habanero or a really strong ghost pepper sauce gives plenty taste and heat.
At some point I found out that I’m not superman when it comes to chilli and while I eating really hot food my body says “Stop not a bite more!”
Now I just try to stay far from my limit where I can enjoy the taste of chilli.
My thoughts also. The spice level should accentuate the flavour, not just be hot for scoville bragging. i had amazing spicy Thai, the good thing is it was too hot for my wife to steal any from my plate
The pain is kind of the point. More specifically the body’s response to pain is the point. Eating spicy food, especially mild foods when starting, is a low level pain but it triggers the body’s pain response. You get those nice dopamine and endorphins released. You end up associating the two and your journey to liking spicy food has begun.
It’s why many women enjoy being spanked. Pain and pleasure have a really intricate, interconnected system.
I’m genuinely sitting here wondering if I can flip my brain to see it that way, and that might even work in theory. But if this is my best way out…I don’t wanna be turned on by hot sauce 😭
Innervate me daddy
aright mister you have ten seconds before you gotta use mana again
alternate: hands you a mana crystal
You don’t even have to see it in a sexual way. People like boxing and MMA. Or getting into bar fights for fun. It makes your body release adrenaline and other hormones that give you a natural high.
I love extremely spicy food that almost makes you want to tap out. But I’m Asian so might be cultural
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Mm-hmm, and why do I like spanking them?
It might be because I am also a bit of a masochist, but spicy food just taste better
Also you can build a tolerance for spicy food, I am in the unfortunate position that my mouth is much more tolerant than my ass (that I do not have the gene to digest capsaicin is a curse I levy upon my ancestors)
That’s the weird thing that got me just a couple minutes after posting this, and I just sat there for a while, staring into the middle distance.
I am a sadomasochist that needs my salsa to be mostly yogurt.
You can build a tolerance, I know. You’re literally burning your pain receptors out temporarily. But the kind of determination I appear to need to get there. How am I the world’s worst bitch
mouth is much more tolerant than my ass
Protein powder (I use the Orgain pea protein stuff) + banana + ice + milk/milk alternative all in blender. I don’t question the dark magic of this concoction, I just appreciate it after going a little overboard with the scoville units.
My mom, a wonderful lady in every other sense, was a terrible cook. The blandest of the bland. Unseasoned potatoes and overcooked meat was the norm. Even when she branched out to other things like stir fry and pizza, she still somehow managed to make them utterly flavorless.
I distinctly recall one day at school, somehow I ended up with a little too much pepper in my tomato soup. It was like my taste buds had finally come of age or something. I started regularly adding too much pepper to my tomato soup. Then Tobasco. Then, as a young adult I found a specialty hot sauce place in the mall. It was the second coming!
Now, I live in Korea, and wow they’re not afraid to spice it up here. I do get tired of the constant “Oh, the waygook (foreigner) can handle spicy food!” refrain though.
It gets easier the more spicy food you eat. I think your brain just starts muting the pain response because it clearly isn’t stopping the painful thing from happening.
Also, spiciness is an easy way to get some flavor into an otherwise bland dish. Handy if you’re on a diet.
And it hurts in kinda a good way? Kinda, like wiggling a loose tooth when you’re a kid…
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The heart wants what it wants
Hot=pain=endorphins= happiness
I’m with you on this
Pain = dolphins in my brain. (=
I totally agree with you. My in-laws are always talking about how spicy they like their Indian takeaway food, and how they have to change their usual order when I’m dining with them. I’m just here thinking, “I don’t like it when the food hurts my mouth when I’m eating it.” Its as simple as that. If I can choose two versions of the same food, where one hurts my mouth and the other doesn’t, I’m going with the non-painful one, thanks.
The one exception I make is Jalapenos. I love the taste of jalapenos. They are not very spicy on the whole scale of things, and the flavour they add to subway sandwiches and vegetarian pizzas is amazing. But that is unrelated to Indian food.
Some people go overboard with peppers that are all heat and no flavour; Those add nothing to the dish. Proper Thai or Indian with a mix of spice brings out the flavours, so its hot but also delicious. And it hits the mouth different. Like those hot pepper challenges arent food, they just burn all over lips mouth and throat, that should never a dining experience
Before refridgeration was developed, food rotting was a major problem in the hot, humid tropics. The solution was to poison the food with spice - it would be somewhat unpleasant to eat, but would kill pests. I suppose over the years we got used to it.
Fun fact: English has words for four basic tastes (sweet, salt, sour and bitter). Indian languages have a fifth basic taste - chilly or spicy.
I used to frequent a Szechuan noodle place. Those fucking noodles would melt my face off and give me lava shits 45 minutes later, but I couldn’t stay away.
This is how the ads should be written.
Irregular? Just eat some of our noodles.
The sweating means I’m enjoying it. I don’t want a curry unless it makes my nose start running.
I’m skinny as hell I need every reason to eat and an endorphin addiction is a hell of a way to do it lol
I am fucking shameless when it comes to food sweats.
Bullets, big fat movie tears, damp sweaty towels around my shoulders… stop to take an exhaustedand spicy breathe… enter the second hand… I are now double fisting chicken pathia like a chungus level American baby does spaghetti. The wait staff are disgusted, the date left hours ago… But I am happier than I will ever be.
You really paint a vivid picture.
My god that’s a fucking funny picture and it’s damn true too. I love me some fucking spicy food.
No. Let them see you cry. Let them see you hiccup and snot all over yourself. Let them see the agony.
Then take another bite. Tell them it’s delicious. Because it is.
I wanna eat the real spicy food! In germany everything is watered down so n00bs can eat it🥲
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Too hot and wrong flavoured pepper for indian food
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Lol. You totally can. For me I like spice but also the subtle parts of curry flavour. like mint and cinnamon are spicey too in different ways, add those in with chillies and ginger and it gives you a well rounded Spice that isn’t just burn the mouth hot
Look for Chinese restaurants where the Chinese go eat.
Most regions in China eat very spicy, just ask the waiter for something extra spicy like the Chinese eat it and they’ll give you something amazing.
Where do you live in Germany? Maybe I can recommend something.
I recently had “very spicy” Chinese food. On scale of 1-10 it was 6 at best. ( I am Indian). If you are looking for 9 or higher look for Hyderabadi or Andhra Indian food.
Yes. Rayalseema restaurants would be bio terrorism in the west 😂. Even most Indians can’t tolerate the piquency of that food.
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Nah spent a year in India , best Indian spicy food ? London ;) I miss the green chillies as snacks though
Thank you 🥰
When it comes to japanese food, Düsseldorf is really great. Cause i studied there i know some good Restaurants and supermarkets 😆 but i take recomondations all around nrw.
i really want to taste spicy indian food or try other asian food, that is not so common here 🤔
My best friend visited south korea a few years ago. She never liked spicy food, but said it was so good there, she now likes this stuff.
Don’t forget the Korean food there. It’s in the same area in Düsseldorf.
My life changed much for the better when I was able to find the local Chinese place that the local Chinese people eat at and the local Indian place that the local Indian people eat at. Changed everything.
Whoever says i like spicy food shall be reminded that indian food is alot spicyer than you might think🥵
If I’m getting spicy food I always say ‘white people spicy’. It always gets a good laugh and I usually get my food just right.
I specifically ask for indian spicy. It’s great!
I ask for really hot, they look at my white skin and doubt me, then my indian friend has to vouch for me and say “No, he does actually want it hot” then they are like ah OK
I eat everyday it’s not that spicy.
Edit - I said this in a sarcastic way. I know it’s spicy.
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As you go from north to south, the spiciness increases
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You can’t beat a good arabiata
Several hours ago I misread your comment as Italian, and I was very confused but played along.
My favourite Indian curry is a jalfrezi
I used to like really spicy food and kept pestering my local place to make spicier curries until one day they finally got it hot enough to get to me. I ate the whole thing while the owner watched me laugh at my stupidity through my tears. It felt like I had a little space heater in my bowels for two whole days.
Sign me up for some authentic spicy Indian food. I am more than willing to have spice sweats for some damn good spicy food.
I once vouched for my (brother, best) friend at a South Asian restaurant. Told them in my language to give what he asked, and I would be responsible. I’ve never seen a human so happy. Love you my brother. Mike, may you always smile like that.
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Because a lot of entitled assholes will later complain when they are unable to eat their food because it’s too spicy.
They are used to white folk with bland palate that think black pepper is too hot. I love Indian, and Thai and make the curries from scratch with high spice level. when I go out and ask for hot/Spicy they doubt me, so my Indian friend vouches for me, then they make it spicy.
I had this problem at an Indian place near me (though I am of carrib descent, not white). I wanted to go light just in case, so I asked for 6 or 7 out of 10. I couldn’t taste any spice. I make hotter stuff at home daily. It was frankly an insult.
Oh Carribean, I had a great dish in Windsor, Ontario once and had the 10. It was hot, but not compared to real spice level it should have been…At least I don’t think
Man, I’d kill for a lovely hot curry about now.
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If you’re not sweating profusely, it’s not tasty.
As an Indian dude, I don’t like food that is too spicy. It just masks all other flavour. What most restaurants would call medium spicy is what I usually prefer.
Spice definitely enhances the flavor to me. I don’t like things too hot, but I prefer spicy over mild.
I agree with you. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like bland food. My cooking has been called too spicy by people not used to Indian cuisine. It’s just that I don’t like it when hot is the only thing you can taste.
I’m the same way. I need spice. I love it! But I also need to taste the food. That’s the whole point of the spice!
I’m with you. I usually get spicy level 0 or 1 everywhere I go.