"In November, when voters elect three City Council members from each of four large districts, they will do so with a version of ranked-choice voting not used in any other U.S. city.

Voters will be allowed to choose up to six council candidates in order of preference, and candidates will only need 25% of first-, second- and potentially even third- and fourth-choice votes to win."

  • jordanlund@lemmy.worldOPM
    7 months ago

    OR is 100% vote by mail, so all paper ballots. It’s going to be a wild ride this first time through!

    • That’s really interesting! In an election judge this year, and before we opened for the primaries there was a vigorous debate about remote voting. MN’s check-in and on-site registration system is entirely digital; the judges just press the buttons for the voters. We will use paper ballots, but we can use the same iPads we use for check-in for voting as well - for accessibility. People can drive up, call in and day they want to vote at their car, and a judge walks one of the iPads out to them. We have everything in place except in there booths, and we’re not ready for online voting (is any state?).

      Anyway, speculated out loud if we’d even have polling stations in another decade, and to my surprise, most of the other judges had strong opinions about the importance of voting in person; how it gave the process more gravitas.

      It’s interesting to learn that OR went completely mail-in. My only fundamental concern about remote voting is coercion; I don’t know how you prevent, e.g., an abusive spouse (or brown shirts) from co-opting the mail in or digital voting system, and forcing someone to vote a particular way. Polling-place intimidation and accessability are very real concerns, but I think they’re dwarfed by the abuse-ability of mail-in voting. Fully digital, however, has some great opportunities for addressing this, such as rescinding and re-voting.

      Really interesting topic though. My final point is that most of the other judges were older than me, and I wonder how much that affected their opinions about the importance of polling stations.

      • jordanlund@lemmy.worldOPM
        7 months ago

        Well, coercive voting is a crime, so there is that. But we’ve been doing vote by mail for 24 years and haven’t really had a problem.

        In the early days someone tried a “drop off your ballot here!” scam and tried to throw them away. They got caught.

        A few years back (12! 12 years!), an election worker got caught filling in portions of ballots that had been left blank:


        • So, first, to be clear: I’m in favor of vote-by-mail. I believe it’s more of an enabler than a risk.

          That said:

          Well, coercive voting is a crime, so there is that. But we’ve been doing vote by mail for 24 years and haven’t really had a problem

          First, so is domestic violence. If a person is willing to break that law, why wouldn’t they also be willing to break a law and force their spouse to fill in a ballot their way?

          Second, how would we know that is not a problem? Do we have studies that have surveyed survivors of domestic violence to ask whether or not their spouse ever forced them to fill in a mail-in ballot a certain way, which found that it’s rare?

          Third, imagine a world of Project 2025, where Brown Shirts exist again. Or, just mafia-esque gangsters, if you will. Being illegal is not going to stop organized crime from forcing an entire apartment block from filling in a ballot in front of an enforcer. And I think it’s naïve to think it couldn’t happen today, anymore that we were naïve to believe defeating the Nazis in 1945 meant we wouldn’t see the rise of his kind again being a threat 71 years later.

          I do think there are solutions, in rescindable votes and re-voting; there are voting systems (software) designed with these sorts of features built in. With these systems, you can change your vote as many times as you like up until the polls close; this wouldn’t prevent abusive-spouse scenarios, but would make mass coercion much harder. But I do think there’s opportunity for abuse with mail-in ballots, much more so in a world of Project 2025, where the people braking the law against coercion are also pals with the ones charged with enforcing it.

          • jordanlund@lemmy.worldOPM
            7 months ago

            It’s less of a problem with spousal abuse and more of a problem with corporate abuse.

            A spouse might impact one vote.

            A company could go “Ok, everyone bring in your ballots and lets all fill them out together!”

            But, again, that’s illegal and hasn’t really happened. From a corporate perspective, you’d only need one employee to rat you out and you’re done. The risk/reward ratio just isn’t there.