The right’s hatred of young, multicultural America — epitomized by U.S. soccer women — is driving its push to end democracy.

  • @some_guy
    1811 months ago

    I’ve been following most of the talking points in this article. This might be the best article to summarize the hell we’re in that I’ve read so far.

    11 months ago

    Honestly, I’m kind of scared. How does roughly half the US garner so much hatred for the “other,” those different from them? It’s always been there, but it’s way more widespread than I thought. These so-called Christians can go to hell if they profess to go against their Jesus’ teachings.

      711 months ago

      It’s less than half, as can be seen by popular vote counts. Still higher than it should be, but if it wasn’t for voter suppression (as laid out in the article) the right would have significantly less power than it currently does.

        411 months ago

        At the moment, the voting-age American public seems to be split into pretty even thirds, with one third being slavering fascists, one third being generally opposed to the first third, and a final third who are either totally apathetic or steadfastly refuse to acknowledge any difference between the other two thirds.