Mine is probably the Liberty City Minute achievement for Grand Theft Auto IV. I think technically you have 30 hours to beat the main storyline but I managed to power through and beat the entire game in one sitting.
Achievements were only added in after an update a couple years ago (when they removed the dated Games For Windows Live DRM that made the game pretty much impossible to play without modding) so it’s technically not the rarest for the game. The achievements for getting the highscore in QUB3D and flying underneath the bridges are even more rare but I’d argue they’re easier to get.
What Steam achievement are you most proud of?
Is there one that took a lot of time to get? Did you have a good time with friends? Was it an achievement you struggled to get on other platforms when you were younger?
Regardless I’d be interested to hear about it.
Go Outside from Stanley Parable without cheating. Simply don’t play the game for 5 years.
You can easily cheat that achievement by changing the clock of your PC, so not a rare achievement, but for the ones that really wait 5 years, that’s impressive commitment
I did that on Ultra Deluxe.
Clean hands and Ghost for Dishonored. Never really knew for sure if I had alerted someone or someone I knocked out got eaten by rats until I got the end summary of the chapter, which would lead to me playing the entire chapter again.
I didn’t attempt that for Dishonored 2 and just went chaos mode.
I think I tried to get one of those achievements but was under the impression knocking people out was fine and didn’t end up getting it.
I could be thinking of a different game though.
Other knock out stealth game I can think of with that type of achievement is Deus Ex.
I think it may have been one of the Metro games
Knocking people out is fine, i’ve taken out half the map that way in one level and I still got “clean hands”
If I remember correctly, there was a glitch with Granny whatsherface that was causing the achievement to fail, even if you knocked her out.
For Dishonored, I’m also glad to have achieved those. Stealth is one of my favorite genres, so getting those felt great.
Probably ‘To Live Forever’ in No Man’s Sky. Once you get to a certain point, it’s almost impossible to die to normal circumstances, but up until that point random crap would kill you pretty easy. Also bugs. Especially with the Space Anomaly.
I ended up doing the 3 hardest achievements all at once in that game. (After double checking it was just the 2 permadeath and survival ones I did together but ended up using my permadeath save to do the “The Sentinel” achievement.)
Also, if you plan to do this this achievement. It’s the easiest to just do the main storyline.
Probably my proudest is Crypt of the Necrodancer’s Vow Down. The game is already very difficult, but Vow Down requires beating the game in all-zones mode (rogue-like mode rather than the rogue-lite campaign) with one of the more difficult new-game+ characters, Monk. The basic game is a turn-based, grid-based RPG, with the gimmick being that you have to preform all actions to the beat, while the monsters have their turn between beats. Vow Down adds the catch that any gold, be it dropped by monsters or found in the world, kills you instantly and ends your run. Even ignoring the inherant urge to pick up dropped loot, this means you have to carefully position enemies as you kill them so as not to box yourself in with deadly loot, all while only having a fraction of a second to think per turn.
This game also has what is probably among the most difficult (while still being fair) achivememts on Steam: Beating the game with the final New Game+ character, Coda, which has the debuffs of every other character combined. According to Steam, 0.3% of players have this achivement, meaning roughly 0.3% of players have cheated in achievements.
Lazy Bastard in Factorio. Basically automate as much as possible as soon as possible. I recommend everyone go for it to truly appreciate the nature of the game.
I would be even more proud with ‘there is no spoon’, but I haven’t even got close to this one.
There are some tricks you can do to make this one a bit easier. I played on a set seed, first planning a base for it in editor mode, and then copying the entire base as a blueprint. You have to play with biters, but you can set their spawning area to be far enough away that you won’t need to interact with them. I also made a new save file for each major milestone in the base, so if I didn’t reach the end quick enough, I could try to go back to a previous segment that I thought was slow and do it faster.
It really starts off slow, but it feels pretty normal once you have enough technology later in the game. I would always make sure to carry some assemblers and solar panels with me to temporarily place down anytime I would have wanted to hand craft something.
Little Rocket Man from Half Life 2 ep2.
The whole achievement is just so damn stupid lol, I love it! Closing the hatch on that fucker was WAY more satisfying than it had any right to be.
I remember that achievement at times being such a pain but it was so worth it just to send the damn thing in to space!
The Hammered achievement for Divinity Original Sin 2 which you achieve by defeating an endgame boss in your first encounter with them in act 1. I used a very cheesy method where I chain teleported the boss and her minions on to a rock in the middle of the sea. And then my archer who was on a cliff type thing on the other side of the beach slowly shot them to death. It was very funny!
You can also stand on the wall next to the gate, block the access by ladders with flower pots, and teleport the bitch up to you. She can still hit you, but nobody else can, so it’s still pretty cheesy XD
Maybe this one. Many many hours. So much grinding. Like 100 blitzball wins in a row. Sphere grid completely filled in 7 times. Completely unnecessary, I don’t recommend pursuing this achievement.
I think the ones I’m most proud of are beating Journey of the Prairie King in Stardew Valley and the 100% achievements in Spelunky HD and Spelunky 2. Grinded several hundred hours for those
Any tips for someone who has been debating on getting into Stardew Valley?
Not sure, the game is very chill in the sense that you can make progress by doing almost anything, so there isn’t really any way to go wrong. The wiki is very well made as well. I usually have it open in the background when playing.
The only warning I have to offer is to avoid optimising too much to get money. You end up optimising the fun away after a bit if the only thing you do is water your crops :p
I get you I started playing Harvest Moon again and spent a lot of time trying to maximize efficiency
Tell me your secrets! I got to the boss fight in Journey of the Prairie King in SDV and it was freaking impossible!
The game saves between each area, so you can beat an area, exit Journey of the Prairie King, continue the day normally in Stardew Valley and sleep. If you die you can just restart the day
Wow, I wish I had known this
It isn’t really any secret, I just went by the Saloon most days to play and see how far I’d get :p After a while I got into some nice flow and just made it through. I’m sure you’ll make it too! :)
The “Go Outside” achievement in the original Stanley Parable
Playing through celeste every time I beat a b-side I felt like a real gamer until I saw “25% of users have this achievement”
For me, I’d say it’s a close call between GTAIV: Ballad of Gay Tony’s “Gold Star” achievement for 100%-ing all the DLC missions, or Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s “Factory Zero” achievement for completing the Missing Link DLC without using any praxis upgrades or weapons (This one was on Xbox 360, but it’s in my steam backlog too!).
The Deus Ex one was very hard! Couldn’t have done it without a guide.
“Worthy” from Distance.
It is still my rarest achievement, with only 0.60% of players having earned it. A lot of the achievements in my rarest achievement showcase were added to popular games years after the peak of the game’s popularity, but were actually quite easy to get. “Worthy” required beating a large level with various unique challenges, and even with checkpoints present in the game, it would often take me hours to reach the next checkpoint at certain parts. I had to follow along with this video at some parts to make sure I was getting through the level correctly, especially the segment from 5:40 to 7:57 which took me about 4 hours to get through successfully.
A Wound for Every Bullet achievement from Iron Grip: Warlord. This game is obscure and there’s barely any achievement guide. I had to figure out how to get this difficult achievement on my own.
I beat HuniePop on hard mode. Does that count?
Doesn’t everyone play HuniePop on hard mode?
Many beat it too