The United States has returned more than 250 ancient artifacts to Italy after police discovered that they had been stolen.

      • VanillaGorilla
        911 months ago

        The house I’m living in in Germany is built on top of a Roman pottery district. I hope they don’t want that one back.

        • Humanius
          611 months ago

          Difference is that those Egyptian obelisks were not built in modern day Italy by the Egyptians, but the Roman pottery district was built in modern day Germany by the Romans

          A lot of the obelisks in European cities were stolen from Egypt

    • The art unit of Italy’s police force found the items had been looted and sold to US museums and private collectors in the 1990s.

      Kind of different, a lot of the same.

  • Backspacecentury
    1511 months ago

    Is there a difference between artefact and artifact? Or is it just another weird thing in the english language?

  • Flying Squid
    511 months ago

    Great. You’ve done the first world nation justice. Now do your own indigenous nations justice and return all of their stolen artifacts.

          211 months ago

          I see it as a realist view. Land has been exchanging hands since Sumer and Elam fought the first war in history.

          Practically all land on earth has been contested, and isn’t inhabited by the original human group to walk to it.

          It seems odd to draw the line between human nature and colonialism.

          • Flying Squid
            011 months ago

            You could make the same argument about slavery. It’s happened for all of human history.

            So there’s no issues with slavery, right?

            How about rape? No problem with rape? It’s been happening since time immemorial. Animals even do it. So rape is fine, right?

              11 months ago

              I would like to note that there’s plenty of war loot the US has that we took from dead Nazis, Imperial Japanese, Central Powers, Confederates, etc, and that’s pretty dope and they shouldn’t have it back.

      • Flying Squid
        611 months ago

        I doubt that will ever happen, but artifacts in museums can absolutely be given back to indigenous nations without much effort on the museum’s part. They just don’t want to.