DISCLAIMER: Fun Bun Facts makes no guarantees about the accuracy of their claims
This is actually a myth stemming from RAF during WW2. When asked how their pilots suddenly got so much better at night fighting, they explained that it was because they started feeding them carrots.
The truth is that those pilots, as well as rabbits and bunnies, have radar.
Incredible! Thank you for correcting me!
In case you didn’t know, carrots are actually bad for rabbits.
While we’re sharing real-life knowledge (which you personally probably know, sharing more for the benefit of onlookers), the cultural association of bunnies with carrots exists because some Clark Gable film existed where he ate a carrot, Bugs Bunny parodied it, and now we have this association for all rabbits. Doesn’t stop bunny + carrot from being a cute mental image, but I wonder if that is simply because I already associate carrots with bunnies.