• Queue
      203 months ago

      “Biden’s debate was due to a cold.”

      “Okay he needs more sleep, it was jet lag. It’ll go away in a few days.”

      “So several democratic members of congress, nationwide democrats, and public agreement say Biden is unfit, but just wait until the news conference, they’ll see. Biden himself wants to stay in, so we should believe him.”

      President Putin and Vice President Trump.

      “…So all the media is bought out and on the side of Trump, don’t believe anything you see by credited publications. It’s fake news, boycott them. Boycott anyone who disagrees with us.”

          • @Cosmicomical@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            Seems pretty dumb to me really. Wtf does blue maga even mean, it’s a contraddiction. It’s not refined, it’s just a standard trope, the same old “but both sides”

          • @Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world
            23 months ago

            You don’t know what propaganda is, or you’re using it wrong to be deliberately disingenuous.

            Reasonable people are very rightly worried that biden will lose to trump. Period. Reasonable people are mostly concerned with making sure trump loses. Period.

            Biden is the worst choice if we want to defeat trump. If he drops out there will be a wave of enthusiasm.

            People like you who are so hell bent on keeping biden, I speculate are actual trump supporters sowing discord as an attempt to stop the discussion. Maybe you are the “propagandist”.

            Biden dropping out is our best chance to defeat trump. Period. Even trump and republicans want him to stay in because they know that’s how they stand the best chance.

            • @JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
              3 months ago

              You’re lumping reasonable people in with the propagandists. Some are not all. I’m not making a blanket statement here. Therefore I’m not talking about reasonable people.

              I’m taking about the ones that openly admit they’re here to disrupt the election.

            • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
              03 months ago

              Spoken like someone high on propaganda. Polling is all over the place. Unreliable. There is no one to run who will run who stands much chance against trump. Because people aren’t voting for Trump because he’s better. They’re voting for him because he’s the Republican nominee. Republicans are also experts at smearing. They and their donors control all the media. No matter who Democrats pick they will run a 24/7 campaign smearing and mudding Waters around that candidate. Even if Democrats were to pick Bernie sanders. Republicans would smear him easily.

              Realistically we’re well beyond the point of playing these games. Both in this cycle and in general. If people can’t be bothered. They will learn just how bad fascism can be for them. And how important their votes are when they can’t vote anymore.

              • @ashok36@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                Polling doesn’t matter at this point. I am a vehement “anyone but trump” voter and I have serious doubts that Biden can be president today. Doubts I never had before the debate. My eyes and my ears work perfectly fine and pretending Biden isn’t running on fumee is the actually disingenuous position.

                • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
                  13 months ago

                  Let me preface all this by stating that no one should hold elected office after 65. They are still welcome to advise Etc. Politics should be people looking forward to the rest of their life Not Looking Back.

                  With that said. Why are you suddenly concerned about Biden? An Administration is more than a single man. And I think it’s safe to say that despite what a low bar it is. The Biden Administration has been one of the most positively consequential Administration in the last 40 years. Sean Hannity has spent nearly the last 6 months screeching about jacked up Joe because of how on his performance was at the State of the Union Address. Not going to lie Biden’s performing slightly has left a lot to be desired period I still have faith in the administration period And if things are Really that bad The person they’re wanting to run instead of him is already his VP and would just step in if the need arrose. So I really don’t see what a lot of the panic is about. At least not in terms of vitamins specifically. In terms of the rot of the democratic republic? Absolutely. But not the Biden Administration specifically. A lot of the fear and concern is 100% astro turf.

                  We need better than all the choices we currently have. That said I have no concerns or fears that a second biden administration would do any worse than they already have.

    • @Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
      113 months ago

      It never was, that was always a lie. My mom’s normie friends thought he should step down right from the debate. Polls have 40-60% of Democrats saying he should step down. We all saw it.

    • @JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
      03 months ago

      Imagine thinking that giving a bad speech is somehow comparable to being a rapist/felon that has promise to help Israel finish the job- even while you yell at everyone about how Biden is committing “a genocide.”

      This is what propaganda looks like folks. It’s not stupid cartoonish posters. It’s not tinny radio ads urging you to join someone’s army-

      It’s people like this…

      People that want you to believe that a bad speech performed by someone that has a history of being bad at speeches- yet ran the country for four years with a lot of major changes for the better- is somehow worse than a rapist that tried to overthrow our capital because he lost. A rapist that is also a convicted felon- 34 times over.

      THIS is propaganda by definition. It’s no myth. It’s no exaggeration. It’s this.

      And it’s pathetic.

      • upto60percentoff
        183 months ago

        I have to ask: are you just ignorant of the position of the anti -Biden crowd, or are you intentionally misconstruing it as them preferring Trump over Biden?

        • @JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
          -103 months ago

          I don’t answer questions from people who can’t answer my own. That’s not how this is going to work. You give nothing, you get nothing.

          Show your work.

          • upto60percentoff
            3 months ago

            I don’t answer questions from people who can’t answer my own.

            You didn’t ask a question.

            • @JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
              3 months ago

              Apologies, I wasn’t paying attention and was in a discussion with a troll. Thought this was their response.

              To answer your question, I know there are some that genuinely don’t think he would do well for America at this point. And to them, I would somewhat agree. I’ve seen some well constructed arguments from the far left that in some ways, I completely agree.

              However. These people I call out….

              They are not those people. There demonstrably here in bad faith to disrupt our election, and the person I was discussing this with admitted they are here to urge people to not vote.

              This is NOT how change is achieved. Especially in the eleventh hour. So many people wait until the last minute to decide to give a shit. And I guarantee you that most of these clowns didn’t give a rats-ass about nothing going on until a last October.

              • upto60percentoff
                103 months ago

                I don’t think the comment you replied to justifies the level of scrutiny you’re putting it under.

                Polling post-debate more or less justifies what it says.

                • @JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
                  -73 months ago

                  The person I responded to admitted to being here to disrupt an election. Their points are off the table.

  • @slickgoat@lemmy.world
    263 months ago

    First of all, Trump is a dick and may he rot in hell.

    That out of the way, this is yet another article yelling at us to disbelieve our own eyes and not recognise an old man struggling. People who DON’T want Trump are watching the election toppling over the edge and are helpless to effect an outcome.

    It’s not about the pundits wanting Biden out, it’s about the pundits demanding that everything is under control when it is obvious that it isn’t.

      • @slickgoat@lemmy.world
        63 months ago

        Yep, I read it. It sez, yeah, but Trump is worse.

        We already know that Trump is worse. The thing is, Biden can’t beat him. The election is headed in Trump’s direction because the better candidate looks old and feeble.

        • @twistypencil@lemmy.world
          33 months ago

          Not sure I agree. Project 2025, convicted felon, rapist, and fascist who got rid of abortion is a bit harder of a sell than old

          • @Kiernian@lemmy.world
            33 months ago

            Fox News isn’t talking about that. The few moderate Republicans left are still likely watching Fox News. Some on-the-fence voters are likely watching Fox News. They’re not hearing any of this.

            They ARE hearing a ton of lies about some mythical “Biden crime family” though. And about how joe is both the mastermind AND a doddering fool.

            And if one part of that looks even marginally true, it’s a tiny bit easier to swallow the rest of what Fox is spitting.

          • @slickgoat@lemmy.world
            43 months ago

            No argument. It’s not a whataboutism question. Trump is also old, obviously. But he is set to win and the Dems who put a candidate in place is going to lose. I’m not trying to make Trump’s position better. The GOP want to put an old insane candidate in place that’s on them. Why would the Dems do the same thing - and lose because of it is the mystery.

            • @Cosmicomical@lemmy.world
              33 months ago

              It is an argument, because they are both prob going to have died of old age by the end of next term, but people is only talking of biden, while trump also is rambling and has a diaper.

              • @slickgoat@lemmy.world
                23 months ago

                Disagree as irrelevant whether either party dies in a couple of years.

                The story is whether Biden can get elected? Maga will vote Maga. Dem will vote Dem. The real battle is in the margins - the undecided and the unsure if it is even worth turning out. Complaining about Trump is like complaining about diarrhoea. Either you do something about it or just accept the shitty duds.

                Biden has to either really convince the electorate that he has it together in a aggressive way. He has to demonstrate strongly that he can take the criminal blowhard down, or step aside and let someone who can step up do the job.

                The stakes are incredibly important. Yet, people are still focused on Trump’s lying. A skill he mastered that is unchanged and unchanging for more than 60 years.

  • @goferking0
    243 months ago

    look at his past accomplishments not the possibility he’ll be another Reagan or dianne feinstein before his term ends

    it’ll be a coup if people acknowledge he’s not able to mentally hold office

    Amazing how many worlds they use to say please don’t see this as it’s time to take your parents car keys or drivers license

  • Neato
    173 months ago

    Because pundits and even other Democrats don’t care if Trump wins. They’re rich and won’t see hardship. But inflaming the public gets them in the spotlight and that’s all they care about.

    They are effectively Trump supporters.

    • @grue@lemmy.world
      43 months ago

      They’re rich and won’t see hardship.

      LOL, they need to study their history 'cause, with dictatorships, that’s often true until it suddenly isn’t. For example, remember that time when Mao sent all the “elites” to go work on the farms, or that other time when Pol Pot killed all the “intellectuals” (read: anybody who so much as wore glasses)? Hell, even if you’re the dictator’s ally you’re not really safe. Plenty of Putin’s buddies can testify to that – oh wait, no they can’t because their bodies are splattered on the ground after being defenestrated.

      If there’s any sliver of a silver lining to this catastrophic dystopian nightmare, it’ll be seeing their stupid, smug faces go all surprised_pikachu.jpg just before the end.

  • @brucethemoose@lemmy.world
    3 months ago
    • Because it sells/trends.

    • Because they’re all glued to Twitter.

    • Because the Trump crowd is kinda right, they suffer from group think.

    • And because they’re salty that the White House all but hoodwinked them, insisting that Biden was fine, which they clearly should have been more skeptical of.

    I don’t really buy the theories that the media conglomerate leadership is pushing for it. And I’m not calling them incompetent or anything, but clearly they weren’t clear eyed with this issue when a large swathe of the public was.

    And I’m not talking about Republicans. My mother would literally vote for a Hitler/Stalin ticket before Donald Trump, she despises him so much it’s hilarious, but even she thought Biden was way too old to run. Even before the debate.

    • @ryathal@sh.itjust.works
      43 months ago

      That last bullet point is a big part of it. They got embarrassed on national TV, now they have to make up for being shills.

  • @eestileib@sh.itjust.works
    153 months ago

    Because he is clearly fading and we don’t know how bad it will get before November.

    I mean, I’m locked in to vote D regardless, but I’m not super excited about Joe’s prospects at the moment.

    We saw with Feinstein, the Democrats are a gerontocracy that would make the CCP circa 1985 proud.

    • @KevonLooney@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      Saw this comment on Reddit:

      Theres nothing new thats been going on in teh news lately, looking for something to grab views, and this is it. So this whole Biden dementia thing is going to get stretched out until the new flavor/news of the week comes out.

      The media is upset that there’s nothing unusual happening to report on. They need bad news because that grabs attention. Ukraine and Palestine are old news. If they could start a war for headlines, they would.

      • @itsgoodtobeawake@lemmy.world
        23 months ago

        The check engine light for American Democracy is blinking red. Smoke is pouring from the engine compartment, we have two flat tires and the driver is telling the scared children in the back seat “Don’t worry, I don’t need to pull over for anything, everything is fine up here, we can make another 3,000 miles easily”

  • AutistoMephisto
    103 months ago

    Like, who do they think they can replace him with, huh? They got a dark horse waiting in the wings? Or are they cooking up the perfect President in a secret cloning lab somewhere?

  • @nondescripthandle@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    3 months ago

    Yes, its only the pundits. Like Pelosi, Obama, and at least one prominent billionaire democrat donor. This premise is propaganda and intentionally ignorant of top leadership expressing the same concerns. Garbage.

  • @AliasAKA@lemmy.world
    83 months ago

    Most pro union pro worker president we’ve had recently — that’s about it. He’s not Bernie but wealthy people really hate us poor working class folks.

  • @InternetUser2012@lemmy.today
    73 months ago

    They want him out because they’re scared and know he will win in a landslide. Their only shot is to create confusion and make it sound like Biden is worse than the racist rapist with 34 felonies that wants to become dictator. VOTE. Volunteer to help give rides to people that need them to make it to vote.

  • @Kiernian@lemmy.world
    73 months ago

    Because he’s doing good things for the populace at large and pundits sound bytes are purchasable by those negatively impacted by those good things.

  • @Cagi@lemmy.ca
    53 months ago

    Being a pundit is a qualification, not a class. It means you have actual experience and training, not just another doomscroller with semi-informed, highly biased opinions like all of us.

    Why is the “pundit class” so desperate to push carbon out of the atmosphere?

    • @Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
      13 months ago

      This person has said there’s no barrier for their state and is simply wrong about other states having dates earlier than the convention. Joe Biden hasn’t been nominated yet and the nomination is a Democratic party choice, which has been affirmed to have control over who it selects and how it’s decided.