Trump’s base is a lost cause, but the pain may get the soft Dem voters to get off their arses and turn out for the next election.
Nothing will shift Maga, so appealing to them is wasted.
Trump’s base is a lost cause, but the pain may get the soft Dem voters to get off their arses and turn out for the next election.
Nothing will shift Maga, so appealing to them is wasted.
Must not have read the fine print before joining.
I think that both topics are on point. It is about IA programmed censorship, after all.
People who complain about “whataboutism” usually dislike direct comparisons.
No need to advise us outlanders not to visit the US. We have eyes and working brains.
It’s a fun horror franchise to watch, tho. Great script - a tad unrealistic.
That has already been suggested by his minions. Let the airlines manage everything. Including baggage and body checking.
Oh god, the very idea…
You make Supreme Court judges political appointees, all of this was always going to happen at some point.
All you needed was the right guy to pull the levers.
The night of the long knives.
My take is that we have entered the apex of the MAGA phase.
Now that the incompetents have achieved power, they will start to destroy themselves through stupidity.
Don’t get me wrong, a lot of damage will be visited upon the heads of the innocent. But it is going to take this destruction to demonstrate just what a terrible idea it was to install these dickheads in the first place.
After all, the voters were warned, and also got a taste of chaos in the first series. They still voted him in.
Ok, let Trump set the electorate’s hair on fire and see what happens next.
Sorry, still don’t argue with strangers on the internet by personal attacks. I grew out of that a long time ago. But you do you.
All true. Thank you for taking the trouble in explaining your position.
I thought so too at first, but he kept on repeating the typo, so I’m not sure?
None of that relates to the concept of free speech.
Trump has been lying through his teeth since the moment he could talk. I don’t see either him being penalized nor anybody trying to stop him. It’s got nothing to do with contracts.
Also, I never said that free speech had no limits. If you were to follow the thread you would see that I have nominated a bunch.
Sorry, you crossed the line when you made a ad hominem attack.
I don’t get personal in debates, I let the point of view do the heavy lifting.
See ya.
I already said that there were limitations to free speech earlier. But untruth is also protected under the US Constitution. It all relates to a possibility of harm.
If i said that I was the Easter Bunny, it would be a lie, but who is harmed by it?
If I falsely yell fire in a crowded theatre and people get trampled, then harm, or a risk of harm is evident.
These are all standard arguments on free speech. But, yes, there are many carve outs where an untrue statement is protected under law. I just don’t have the time or inclination to list them all. You can check them out yourself.
I’m not sure if you are trolling or not, because any plain English reading is obvious
Your own quote, as set out below…
“the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas”
That also applies to incorrect information ideas… or… lies. Or the truth… Or fantasy… Or anything in between…
It doesn’t specify truth or otherwise. You are free to assume anything you care to - but it’s not in the actual text.
As to your question, I have no clue about your insistence on me being whatever the thing is you keep repeating.
Again it is.
Neither of those links suggested that it was illegal to lie. Why not? Because it is fucking impossible to tie that rule into a working possibility. Go read your own links yourself, because it is obvious that you haven’t.
It talks about limitations on hate speech, etc, but you can lie without hate speech.
Freedom of speech is an ideal, and is tied to state control of speech. There are all kinds of limitations, including public safety and defamation, etc. But if I called you a Martian, obviously that is a lie. What happens? Does the free speech police lock me up?
I’m not interested in personal attacks, by the way.
Again, it is.
Show me the legalisation where it is illegal to lie. How is it enforced? Who enforces it? Who arbatrates it?
Freedom of speech is a moral right, and nothing more. If you start arresting people on perceived lies, that is a very dangerous slippery slope. I hope that the Donald doesn’t start arresting people who he believes is lying. Where will THAT stop?
And, no, I’m not Asian, tho I don’t understand your asking.
Damn, now you got me defending fucking Musk on this issue.
Freedom of speech is also the freedom to lie. However, that just means the state can’t arrest you for your speech. Nobody owes you a platform for your free speech.
That said, Elon Musk is a turd sandwich.
Well, the Roman Empire took about 450 years before to started to go tits up.
But of course.