• @K7d@r.nf
    2 months ago

    Has anyone checked on ozma?

    The accounts on social media platform X have since been banned.

    Ah dang, it was just focused on Twitter. Nevermind.

    • @almar_quigley@lemmy.world
      62 months ago

      I blocked that Russian troll awhile ago and my feed is so much better for it. There’s a couple of em that I did the same to and I haven’t missed anything.

      • DarkGamer
        312 months ago

        Fostering party disunity on the left helps their boy Trump far more.

        • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
          -302 months ago

          You’ve lost your god-damned mind.

          Biden’s polling is in the low 30s. He’s lost this election. If he’s the candidate or you support him as candidate, you are arguing in favor of Trump.

          Disunity? Biden is the source of the lack of unity. You can’t just bludgeon people into supporting your clearly failed cause.

          This attitude of YOURS is why we are in this mess.

          • DarkGamer
            2 months ago

            The race is still damned close.

            Biden was a fine president in my opinion, and this impulse to throw our best chance with a proven track record under the bus because of one bad debate boggles the mind. Such a position only serves to help Trump.

            Every personal criticism against Biden is also applicable to Trump only in a far worse and more dangerous way.

            Wake up.

            • @ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world
              122 months ago

              It wasn’t even that bad. He felt old, yes, but his responses were fine. They weren’t all great, but it was better than Trump spouting outright lies left and right that fed a dangerous narrative. I wouldn’t vote for Biden in a primary, but it seems too late to replace him now. There are legal entanglements and monies that can’t be transferred. Kamala is just not that strong a candidate for beating Trump. I don’t know who is at this point. It’s a terrible position to be in, but it seems like a Biden vs Trump race or a surefire loss to Trump.

              • @Wrench@lemmy.world
                52 months ago

                Let’s not sugar coat it. I’m a fan of Bidens first term. I’m happy enough to vote for him, or whoever the Dems put up because I know the stakes.

                But debate was terrible. His gaffs in his follow up appearances have been terrible as well. He’s displaying severe signs of aging, and that’s awful for his campaign.

                If you strained to listen, you could make out what Biden was attempting to say, and for the most part, it was moderate, typical stuff. Nothing radical, just the same ole stuff. But you had to strain, and fill in the blanks when he said the wrong thing, but you knew what he meant.

                Trump on the other hand, was mostly intelligible. He communicated abnormally well for him. He said awful, disgusting things that were either outright lies and/or evil shit. But he said it confidently and more or less clearly.

                Most Americans don’t seem to listen to substance, fact check, and make informed decisions. Or else Trump never would have been elected in the first place.

                I think Biden is still our best chance since I think running a primary this late would be disastrous. But let’s not fool ourselves. Biden is tanking his campaign big time.

              • @SkyezOpen@lemmy.world
                52 months ago

                His brain is soup.

                His administration can still get shit done though, so fuck it, puppet him on strings like they did with feinstein.

        • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
          -252 months ago

          If you were a nation state actor that would benefit from another Trump presidency, why would you look to replace Biden, who has for all intents and purposes already lost this election?

          Israel, Russia, Saudi Arabia: They all want Trump to win and Biden as the nominee.

          • @BassTurd@lemmy.world
            -22 months ago

            You’d know they all want Trump, you’re doing their work for them. What is it about the US you hate the most? Is it the freedoms or something else? Does spreading propaganda for Russia pay well?

    • @ikidd@lemmy.world
      52 months ago

      So how would they manage to prosecute anyone if Russia goes in and buys shares of Truth Social (Trump Media Group) and keeps shoring up the price when Trump starts dumping shares after his moratorium runs out?

      I’m trying to figure how this scam gets punished.

  • @Zachariah@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    The U.S Justice Department said on Tuesday that it disrupted a Russian operation that used fake social media accounts enhanced by artificial intelligence to covertly spread pro-Kremlin messages in the United States and abroad.

    The Justice Department secured court approval to seize two domain names and search nearly 1,000 social media accounts allegedly associated with the effort.

    • @gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world
      32 months ago

      I’m seeing another paragraph between those two now, might have been updated after you posted this but the full quote is

      The U.S Justice Department said on Tuesday that it disrupted a Russian operation that used fake social media accounts enhanced by artificial intelligence to covertly spread pro-Kremlin messages in the United States and abroad.

      The news comes four months before the U.S. presidential election, which security experts widely believe will be the target of both hacking and covert social media influence attempts by foreign adversaries. Senior U.S. officials have said publicly they are monitoring for schemes intended to disrupt the vote.

      The Justice Department secured court approval to seize two domain names and search nearly 1,000 social media accounts allegedly associated with the effort.

  • @thisbenzingring
    32 months ago

    Like I’m gonna trust a *Bing generated article!

    *The authors last name is Bing

    • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
      52 months ago

      I wonder if centrists will ever stop feigning McCarthyist paranoia as an end-run around having defensible positions.