Mastodon - Lemmy - Link
If you like to discuss #GuildWars2 and are tired of #reddit, join us on #lemmy at @guildwars2 ➡️
Aren’t we already there?
Looks like automated post synced with Mastodon
Doesn’t seem like links work in titles. :D
I’ve changed my post on mastodon to enforce a different automated title.
This post was created, because I mentioned our community on my mastodon account like so:
Mastodon - Lemmy - Link
If you like to discuss #GuildWars2 and are tired of #reddit, join us on #lemmy at ➡️
Okay, that’s pretty cool. So you can actually create a post here from Mastodon!
Seems like it, though it wasn’t actually my intention. I’m not even (planning on) using my Mastodon account much. But when I followed the MassisvelyOP account on Mastodon they followed back and I thought, I should (at least) pin a post to my Mastodon profile which references our GW2 community.
What I didn’t know until now is that referencing a lemmy community from Mastodon also creates a post in the referenced community. I thought that you could only comment on lemmy posts from Mastodon.
But it appears that only direct replies to the post (comments on top leveL) are federated back to Mastodon. Replies to comments (nested comments) aren’t shown when expanding the post.
The Fediverse is fucking amazing.