• @FraudulentFruit1@lemmy.ca
    196 months ago

    How many times has this liar claimed that “numbers aren’t important” to her? I’m willing to bet she’s consumed by them every minute of everyday.

      • @MoonChild@lemmy.caM
        136 months ago

        She’s watching it over and over and saying it’s L who wants to see it. I can only imagine the other kind of person who may be watching it on repeat after putting it on their TBP highlight reel and it gives me the creeps - the skin crawling kind

        • @No_really_why@lemmy.ca
          176 months ago

          I HATE that her walking video is being treated like the ultimate goal for her child, showing her over and over. It’s so sad and pathetic and blood boiling. Teach your child she is more than her looks.

          • @MoonChild@lemmy.caM
            206 months ago

            This caption made me very angry. She’s framing wearing a bikini and being a swimsuit model as ultimate goals for her daughters. I’m not throwing any shade at real swimsuit models - it’s not an easy job - but it doesn’t seem like she places much value on education or learning about the world. The only class she ever highlights the middle one taking is cosmetology.

            • @Whaaambulence@lemmy.ca
              146 months ago

              She’s raising nobody. Her older kids are mostly with their dad and her youngest is shipped off to nanny daycare. When they are home, she’s off galavanting at events. Literally everything out of her mouth is a lie.

            • @QueenofTudor@lemmy.ca
              116 months ago

              She is the queen of preaching “your body is not the most interesting thing about you” and yet it is literally the only thing she talks about and takes value from. What a terrible message to pass on to your daughters. We are ALL more than our appearances. You learn that as you age and have more wisdom to share, but clearly, SNL isn’t getting wiser. She’s just getting older.

            • @some_guy
              86 months ago

              When you’re popping out kids at 20yo, you’re probably not on a path toward long-term economic success. For fuck sake, your brain is still developing.

          • @Travellingmonkey@lemmy.ca
            176 months ago

            Especially when’s she preached for how many years now about how damaging magazines like sports illustrated 🤦‍♀️

            • @MoonChild@lemmy.caM
              6 months ago

              The magazine was damaging but it was her lifetime goal to grace its pages and not, I suspect, to promote inclusivity since she dropped 100 lbs and loved putting on her bikini or skimpy workout wear for the covers of other magazines

    • @some_guy
      106 months ago

      Oh yeah, her left knee and ankle are all fucked up. Her right knee is also kinda janked. I don’t know anything about this other than it appears to be two shots of the same person with one stylized (lies) and the other showing reality. Is this a model who is routinely shopped like Kim Karshithead?

      • @bunniculamonroe@lemmy.ca
        116 months ago

        She’s not a model although she likes to think she is. This was a bought walk from a company that sponsored the show and enables her. She is a mom from Guelph with a massive following for being “real” about her body. It’s ridiculous.

  • @MoonChild@lemmy.caM
    186 months ago

    This side by side shows just how much she alters her image. They are taken from the same angle but show two, completely different bodies. I really don’t understand how people don’t see it.

  • @OddQuality@lemmy.ca
    156 months ago

    I know the consensus before was that Getty Images probably wouldn’t bother photoshopping any non-celebrity face, but I can’t get over how ridiculous her nose looks in the right-hand picture. I just don’t fully believe that can be true. I mean, are these nostrils for ants?! 😅

  • @urfriendjen@lemmy.ca
    146 months ago

    The one on the left reminds me of looking into one of those wonky funhouse mirrors. Her legs don’t even look real

  • @hddsx@lemmy.ca
    96 months ago

    I still don’t know what this is about but the girl on right is thick af and I’m loving it

    • @QueenofTudor@lemmy.ca
      156 months ago

      Lol yup! And there’s nothing wrong with her body, it’s just shitty that she edits herself to look like the photo on the left all the time, all while preaching body positivity. If she truly accepted herself, she would just show up on her Instagram as the person on the right all the time, or own up to the fact that she filters her photos, and gets lip fillers, and other procedures done.

        • @OddQuality@lemmy.ca
          156 months ago

          Yup - the left is what she (The Birds Papaya) shares on her IG, the right was taken by a professional photographer. These pictures are from the same day. She claims to be a “body positive” influencer. Perhaps now you can understand a bit better why she has a community of “haters” 🤪