Labour and Liberal Democrats dominated list of MPs who were rated as very good in backing environmental policies

      • Echo Dot
        41 month ago

        I suppose that depends on who you are. If you’re Rupert Murdoch I suspect you’re quite happy with the way they voted. It’s just a shame he wasn’t able to get in on the PPE game

          21 month ago

          Pretty sure the only difference is. He considers them negative miserable arseholes. Whom he can manipulate to his advantage.

          Cannot see him thinking they are a positive lot.

  • It’s ok I’m sure the tory capitalists can figure out a way to capitalism their way out of a capitalism caused climate crisis, or at least capitalize on the opportunity to invest in blah blah fugheheteh,teweui

    • Echo Dot
      1 month ago

      The daft thing is they actually could make quite a lot of money in green energy generation (solar power is now one of the most profitable electrical generation systems in existence). But they’re all old fashioned stick in the muds, who don’t want to learn the new ways.

      If it doesn’t involve pulling something out of the ground and then setting it on fire they’re not interested.

  • Echo Dot
    1 month ago

    Didn’t we already know that? Their voting records are public anyone can see it any time that they don’t care about the environment. They even banned onshore wind farms for a while.

    Oh and remove subsidies for adding solar panels because people were using the subsidies - can’t have that.