In 1 year max we can post this in !
Never have I wanted something to wind up in the Google Graveyard more.
Bring back Reader, Stadia, and Inbox if there’s not enough space to bury AI Summaries and Gemini.
I’m not sure I would trust Google enough to use them, even if they were resurrected. Between their ethically dubious behavior and their tendency to kill off services I had come to rely on, I have very little trust for Google anymore.
That’s entirely fair.
i kinda expect google to go all ‘new coke’ here and unveil a ‘classic’ search experience as their experiment in ‘new google’ to be more like
pepsibing continues to fail spectacularly. they’ve already got the ‘web’ tab, it just has to be rebranded and made the default on a clean page with a link to ‘google ii’ which will quietly vanish from existence in a few years and nobody will notice.I damn near ate this one
They had me until the “then.” MFers i know they don’t plan that far ahead.
Great, know if you google Googles future AI plans, they will quote this article
Googles AI knows its doomed to get killed.
>Google puts AI in every product
>Years later Google does the Google thing and abruptly shuts down their AI department
>AI is so integrated in every pruduct they have to shut everything down
>no more google