Lisa Lawler had no reason to suspect Const. Boris Borissov but now her opinion of police has changed — she’s convinced other grieving families have been victims of similar thefts

    • Old_Geezer
      -632 months ago

      You’ve lost credibility. Who are you going to call when in trouble?

      • Nik282000
        202 months ago

        Police are not there to help you, they exist to protect governments and businesses.

        Call them to report your car is stolen, that’s a theft of tens of thousands of dollars, and they will tell you to call your insurance company. Now go to the bank and snatch a $100 bill from a teller, there will be cops there to arrest you in minutes.

      • @some_guy
        152 months ago

        Not the cops who didn’t help us when my partner got her purse snatched, that’s for sure.

        • Old_Geezer
          -142 months ago

          Not the cops that have Nazi tattoos and like to shoot people.

          Agreed, no one like that sort of behaviour. But this ‘Defund the Police’ is nonsense.

            2 months ago

            Yet another genius who never bothered to learn what “defund the police” actually intended before blathering on about how it’s ridiculous.

            The whole point of defund the police was to remove some of their funding, especially that used to unnecessarily outfit police like paramilitary groups, and use it to fund programs that are better suited than the police to help people in certain situations, like crisis counselors.

            • Old_Geezer
              2 months ago

              Yet another genius who never bothered to learn what “defund the police” actually intended before blathering on about how it’s ridiculous.

              I do. I just happen to disagree with it. There isn’t one common denominator of Defund the Police, it means different things to some folk. For example, this local activist who wants to disarm them: Which is asine!

                • Old_Geezer
                  -112 months ago

                  Wikipedia is hardly an authoritative source for political factoids. As I explained earlier, if ones does any sort of search you’ll find that there isn’t a definition that everyone agrees with.

                2 months ago

                There is and always has been one primary message, as noted above. The mainstream media, which benefits directly from sensational reporting and is owned by people who benefit from an authoritarian police force, likes to muddy the waters with misleading reporting and interviews like the one you linked, which are more extremist and not representative of the core motive.

                Critical thinking, folks. It’s important and never too late to learn. Ask important questions like “are these data representative? If not, why are they being presented to me? Who benefits from this misrepresentation? Which data are actually representative?”

                • Old_Geezer
                  -52 months ago

                  Actually he’s a high profile activist and representative of the movement in Toronto. Many of the young people I’ve personally interacted with, seem to think likewise. As I’m a local man, what people believe locally takes precedence over any Wikipedia article or what Solinvictus believes is correct.

      • mycelium underground
        92 months ago

        Not the cops, they won’t show up till it’s to late, and if they do show up there is a good chance they kill you or your dog.

        92 months ago

        After a series of events culminating with Uvalde the police have lost credibility

        The police don’t even come a majority of the time when they’re called in my city

        • Old_Geezer
          -302 months ago

          The credibility police.

          We can tell by your posting history that you hate the police. Wonder who you’re going to call when somebody points a gun at you, or stabs you! Bet you’re one of the knobs that agrees with defunding the police too, right?

          • mad_asshatter
            142 months ago

            Bet you’re one of the knobs that agrees with defunding the police too, right?

            Yet you just proved that you’re an ignorant illiterate who doesn’t even know what “defunding the police” means!

  • @some_guy
    182 months ago

    And she remains frustrated that Borissov has been suspended with pay since his arrest in April 2022 — he made $115,392 in 2023 alone — and that he will continue to be paid until after a sentencing hearing scheduled for the fall.

    He should have to pay it back.