Good ol BrandoSando has screwed the community again. First, he announces the secret project and promises us new stories. Then, he “boycotts” amazon with JUST THESE COMMUNITY FUNDED STORIES. Now, he’s making money on books we bought without letting us utilize the accessibility features we’ve come to expect from his other work unless we pay him again.

Tl;Dr Brandon Sanderson is an exploitative greed monster that swallowed 43 million dollars and is hungry for more. Do not buy Brandon Sanderson products until this betrayal is addressed.

  • LordGimp@lemm.eeOP
    10 months ago

    Whispersync and infinite scroll on kindle are pretty important for my nephew, who I backed this project for. I used to be a fan myself but have withdrawn from the community over the treatment we have recieved when asking for accommodation. He has a moderate visual processing disability that makes it extremely difficult for him to read print. The infinite scroll available on most native kindle titles let’s him sort of fix his eyes on one line instead of trying to refocus repeatedly down the page, and he says that helps him. We had issues with the .epub importing into kindle disabling the infinite scroll feature. We reached out repeatedly to dragon steel and were told that we’d have to repurchase the titles on Amazon when they were released there. That on its own was shitty, but trying to explain to him why the book might never be on Audible was devastating. I showed him that he could get the books to play on a different program, but all he understood was that audible was broken and he must’ve done something wrong. Needless to say it’s soured our entire household on anything Brandon Sanderson where it used to bridge so many chasms.

    • authorinthedark
      10 months ago

      I’m sorry to hear about all that, that sounds like a really frustrating experience